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I know there is a new leveled enemy system and all.... BUT


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Why do enemies have fur armor when I am level 60? Why do they drop IRON weapons when i'm am nearly at MAX level? I play at adept difficulty, so is it dependant upon that?


I have no problem upgrading the difficulty if that is the issue...


I liked oblivion's system, if you were sloppy and didn't plan your character, you got owned, so it ws fair... make a crap character and just focus on being silly in game, you get owned. I like that, it makes sense. And I suppose it's not lore friendly if everyone can go to the Daedric Sporting Goods Outlet and get themselves decked out in full daedric armor and weapons... but COME ON....


Why doe enemies, like bandits, have the CRAPPIEST weapons and armor? I'm rich through alchemy alone and it shouldn't be like that. On my warrior, I wondered why I was so poor all the time... surely the drops would be better? No... even in chests, the loot is very mediocre, sometimes I get a grandslam and net over 5K in goodies (to which I have to go to four different shop keepers and sometimes wait for two days to sell everything off, which is annoying compared to obivion, but it is REALISTIC in that respect though, so I guess that is liked by some).


Most times I get hunting bows, iron weapons, and studded crap... what is wrong with this? I know they don't want you to become a millionaire so easily, but if your character isn't spec'd for alchemy, forget getting rich within this century (or enchanting I suppose). If you don't like the crafting skills... too bad, you have to use them if you want disposable income, that, or sell millions of iron weapons and break even.



I'm trying to rationalize why they would do this, and from a LORE standpoint, yeah, daedric and glass weaponry would be super rare, but STILL there is a fine line between REALISM and VIDEOGAME logic. If I have to eat to stay alive in a game, I mean, if i'm forced to... i'm returning that game. Some people like that, and that's cool, I find it absolutely asinine. I eat and sleep and relieve myself in the real world... what in Azura's Moonshadow makes you think I want to have to do that in game?


If you want to have a "realism mode" like Hardcore in Fallout New Vegas, COOL!!! Do that, then... give me a choice whether or not I want it to be more realistic, or more "videogame like".


Oblivion wasn't the end all be all for TES series, absolutely not... but some things in that game made it easier on a GAMER standpoint, and less annoying. Sure, having a dungeon full of enemies with glass/daedric/enchanted stuf would be totally against Lore, but from a game standpoint, it makes total sense that enemies upgrade their armor and weapons, and get harder to kill as you level up.


I can't wait for mods that put oblivion's level up system for enemies back in place, I want enemies to have quality armor and weapons, and I want them to level up with me, and for difficult enemies to appear when I have a fighting chance to kill them, none of this "noob enemies are in this zone, and tough enemies are over here"... because that FORCES me to wait to go dungeon crawling, because Talos forbid I want to not do some random misc. quest just so I can level up to go fight enemies that will be appropriate for my level.


All the areas near whiterun are dead to me... I could literally stand still for ten minutes and not die from enemies, because i visited that dungeon at lvl 5 or whatever.


Good idea on paper, but this sort of thing annoys the crap out of me.


What do you think? Am I some random raving lunatic who should deal with it? Or do I bring up some kind of a logical argument?


I mean, I love this game, and it's concept, and with some mods, it can be just as good as modded oblivion, and vanilla morrowind :P. It has potential, but Divines if this isn't the most rediculous thing to me... I guess it might just be me too... I mean I can make money, but it's annoying that i have to rely on the craft skills to make money, a decent sum, that is...

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Beauty of all bethseda soft games is, YOU CAN MOD THEM TO YOUR PERSONAL TASTES! I rly love Bethseda soft games for that. You can play Fallout as... the Terminator! You can play Oblivion as... a summoner of ARMIES. If you have a problem with Skyrim? NO PROBLEM! MOD THAT THING UNTIL YOU ARE SATISFIED!!


Of course you have to wait til the editor comes out.


By the way, I am rich like crazy just from selling Dragon Bone. They are crazy expensive. With perks in speechcraft, you'll be richman in no time.

Edited by someonenoone11
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Yes, I know mods and all that... and yes, I will utilize the CKit, and YES, I know there arecertain items which you can use to shore up your income, like dragonbones.


What i'm saying is, when i'm a high level character, I should be facing adversaries that can give me a challenge, regardless of where I go, they should improve with me, and their gear as well, because the next time i face them, I will be in better gear... so it would make sense that way.


I know SOME chests yield good loot, like the "boss chests" that are rounded at the top, yes, I know... what i'm saying, is that I shouldn't have a million steel and iron daggers from bandits at level 60... at least SOME improvement, maybe to orcish or ebony at 80?

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Are we playing the same game or is yours just broken? i see mages wearing black robes with 100% reduction at level 51 and bandits welding ebony weapons and sometimes higher level armors, most of the time they weld ebony weapons with fur armor [ :sweat:

Bandits with Ebony?


I know the random encounter thieves can have higher level gear, but not the sorts of bandits that hang out in camps and caves. Every time I've killed one they never had anything better that Steel.


About the only enemies I've seen using higher end weapons are the stronger Dreugar that shout constantly.


Other than that, only saw most of the stuff as chest loot or used by some of the random encounters. I know I got most of my glass weapons from Thalmor agents, most of my ebony weapons from Drugar, glass armor from a random thief, ebony armor from a mercenary. Only Daedric I found was from chests or quest rewards.



Maybe it's linked to your difficulty settings or how much traveling you do at lower levels. Hard to say, but level alone (currently 70ish) doesn't seem to be a strong indicator.

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Even without the editor, you can make things fun for yourself.

For example, I use console commands (OMG I AM A CHEATER)

This is my 3rd playthrough, and I am gonna make things hard by restricting myself to Frost Magic. There are a crazy amount of Frost Immunes and I plan on killing them with only Frost Atronachs's melee damage. I might fail but oh well, its fun! :D


If you think the game is too easy, do some challenges, like perhaps increase stamina only or "I will not loot enemies and make money soley off quests or by harvesting ingredients"


I am not a melee player because its boring, u just get up in their face and attack... so I don't know how to enhance your experience if you use a melee character but be creative!

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Perhaps you can simply raise your difficulty setting no problem! Think about it instead i of saying you have adept but instead like the easiest one, then we are know why you can kick ass, raise to like master and the damage will be higher thus raising the challenge! But unless you just want awesome loot...then...well... boo hoo?



Adept difficulty damage multiplier would be normal

Master difficulty damage multiplier would like 12x

So if you just want harder enemies raise the difficulty, loot well again ^

Edited by Joshico
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Even without the editor, you can make things fun for yourself.

For example, I use console commands (OMG I AM A CHEATER)

This is my 3rd playthrough, and I am gonna make things hard by restricting myself to Frost Magic. There are a crazy amount of Frost Immunes and I plan on killing them with only Frost Atronachs's melee damage. I might fail but oh well, its fun! :D


If you think the game is too easy, do some challenges, like perhaps increase stamina only or "I will not loot enemies and make money soley off quests or by harvesting ingredients"


I am not a melee player because its boring, u just get up in their face and attack... so I don't know how to enhance your experience if you use a melee character but be creative!


That's what I'm doing.

I'm on my 4th character (although I only play until level 30 or so, were the default setting becomes too easy)

This time I'm playing a "battle" mage. No armor, buying nothing (other than a few lockpicks at the start) using only one handed weapons, spells, staves & potions I find.

No training or skill books, & no crafting & try to keep my level as low as possible. Killed Alduin last night on Level 8.

Even on adept it's a challenge, but I don't have to worry about what things they drop as I don't need the money.

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All the areas near whiterun are dead to me... I could literally stand still for ten minutes and not die from enemies, because i visited that dungeon at lvl 5 or whatever.


I like to hit the Valtheim Towers (sp?) a lot, along with areas further NE... and they level in the chests. I've found diamonds and emeralds galore this way. And I'm around lvl 42-ish.


But still I'm not seeing the same effect as you describe, either. Strange.

Edited by xlr8films
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