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Morrowind won't let me use anything Magicka related anymore!?


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I've been into playing Morrowind more lately. Today though, while I was playing it, I opened the menu that shows the character's skills and inventory and things like that. I saw that the spot where my character's spells and enchanted items are listed was completely gone. So I thought that maybe I accidentally did something to it, and went back to the previous autosave. I opened the menu again and the spells were still gone! I then figured that maybe it was just the character that had the problem, so I opened up another save game with a different character. I opened the menu again, and the spells were STILL gone! :wallbash: I have a mod that affects a few of the races' powers and abilities, so I unchecked that mod to see if that would do anything. But it didn't! :wallbash:


Can someone tell me what caused this and how to fix it!?


Edit: I forgot to mention that I can equip enchanted items, but their enchantments don't work.

Edited by EyeOfArgonia
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As yon may know; Morrowind - and the expansion packs (in the GOTY) have been played this game several times.


However, it would be of great help you could answer the points below::


  1. What speed does CPU run at?
  2. Next, what programme are you trying to use?
  3. What other mods have you got on place (this is simply t remove errors)?I]]

I hope that all these comments do help , since I ALL these problems were encountered before I purchased the GOTY,

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