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i'd like to have all border region and beyond




A mod that models seasonal change, with the weather, snow cover, vegetation, and daylight hours varying according to the time of year.


this one "exist"... it was done from bethesda but never realesed (i think it's because it was too heavy for the engine)

Edited by Jodi79
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I think my #1, all time dream mod would be a Banking/Economic overhaul. I know there are mods out there that do some of this stuff, but some have stability issues, others are outdated, and almost all of them overlap and conflict to some extent. Things I'd like to see included:

-multiple coins (bronze/copper, silver, gold) so that the current 'gold' in the game would be valued more like copper coins. Makes sense that a piece of bread costs two coppers, but two gold? I don't think so.

-Relatedly, a massive recalculation of values for things (horses, houses, enchanted weapons should be very expensive).

-Regional values/availability. Have certain commodities more common/less valuable in say the Rift or the Reach, but rarer/more expensive in say Whiterun and Falkreath. This way you can play as an actual trader.

-Weight for coins, with gold weighing the most obviously.

-In order to make this feasible, a bank in the five major cities where you can deposit your coins and receive paper promissory notes in exchange that are lightweight and transportable. Every time you come to town, you can exchange the note, take out the gold you think you'll need to purchase supplies, rent a room, buy food, etc.

-You can also make investments in the bank and earn interest based on the risk of the investment (with higher risk investments having increasingly likely chances for loss, so it's not just an automatic money maker).

-Ability to place orders with Blacksmiths to forge/temper weapons and armor for you and Court Mages to enchant items for you, which costs serious gold. I just hate how essential those two skill trees are and would like to get around that without having to sink perks/time into them, especially when I'm roleplaying a character that knows nothing of magic or smithing for example.

-Merchants are more cutthroat BUT if you have a good relationship with them or a high enough speech skill, you can haggle with them where they can be persuaded to lower the price a little. Lessens the influence speech has while still making it relevant.


I think those are my essentials. And yes, I've pretty much named things that already exist in mods. I'd just like them all in one nice, neat package that's up to date and doesn't conflict with itself or cause issues. An actual realistic dream mod, but one I fear will never exist.

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I recently started playing again and I downloaded the King of Riverhelm mod, I think it would be pretty cool if you could send out a squad of soldiers lead by one of your companions to complete quests, maybe they could return in a few days with the item they were sent to find, with a chance to fail based on certain parameters.


Furthermore it would be cool to be able to occupy each of the holds, attack their towns and install a Jarl loyal to you, then see your own soldiers patrolling the towns and surrounding wilderness.


Maybe at a certain point there could be a massive Thalmor/Imperial invasion or Stormcloak uprising(with hundreds and hundreds of npcs) trying to take back the province.

Edited by Raverous
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A bank...now there's a good idea. Not just one that could hold your money, though...something a little more like in World of Warcraft, where you can deposit items. Maybe a large "vault room" with armour mannequins, weapon racks, shield displays...


Obviously, you'd have to be pretty darn rich to start with to buy that kind of a vault...but isn't that the point of storing money in a bank? To save up for a large purchase?

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Better wolf models

They are everywhere, everytime, running around with their ugly broken legs animation and being ugly. For now I use Enhanced wolf Models, but I'd love to see some new, decent model.

I'd also like to see more randomized dog variations, not just Irish Wolfhounds and Huskies everywhere.

Automatic variants, I believe it's called...at least for variations.


I was talking about models, not textures.

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I would like to see a mod where at the start of the game you create multiple characters.


You can then choose to play as any one of those characters at any time, you can switch between them freely.


you can also trade with each character and choose to have one as a follower


I suppose its sort of like having your own guild , but as you can trade between them you can have different characters fulfilling different needs and play styles.

This sounds like GTA5. Freakin amazing though!

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Wow just looking back at this topic.. So many of these dream mods have been implemented. On topic: a comprehensive combat overhaul, that makes different weapons having different attack animations, more realistic animations in combat for things like stagger and knockback(so that you dont spin for ages in the sky if hit by a giant). All in all a mod that eliminates all the clumsy animations.
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