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My dream mod?


Make skyrim WAY HARDER, it's not a challenge anymore after lvl 60...

not even when i changed to level up my archery and spells...I'm now max level (81 with half experience bar but I know it's never getting to 82 because all my skill are 100 now lol )


it doesn't matter what I do, nothing kills me and everything dies within 1-3 hits...

Edited by domaik
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Name ONLY 1 of your dream mod here, who know, maybe they will be available right after you post it ;)


I would LOVE to see someone make better combat animations. Ones where every sword fight doesn't look like two idiots running up to fist fight range and swinging table-legs that look curiously like swords at each other. I realize the animations have to support a wide arrays of weaponry and therefore must be kind of general use, but for god's sake there is no finesse to the stock ones. It doesn't look like a skilled fighter is fighting. Maybe we just have to suck it up and split it up into more groups than just one and two handed animations. For instance, I'd love to see a European type style, two hands on a one handed weapon in high guard [maybe with a stat bonus for not filling the other hand] as well as Italian fencing type style for rapiers or the like with much thrusting and keeping the enemy at distance. Using a katana requires two hands, or it's just simply not as dangerous; it's not a weighty broadsword you can swing like a club - it requires the other hand for leverage. Maybe tie certain animation sets to certain narrow groupings of weapons.


I guess I'd just like in a game as expansive as this to see way more variation in the fighting animations. Maybe a nice tie-in one the CK is out would be to place trainers around the world with perhaps side-quests to unlock new fighting styles that change the animations or stats and fighting ability or speed. [like a fencing style keeping enemies at distance.

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My dream mod eh? ... :) old Elder Scroll player here specially Daggerfall. I miss being able to own a horse and CART to help me HAUL away loot. I CONSTANTLY fill up my inventory .. < i have a bed habit of picking everything up that's not junk and to me that's mostly everything. AND i really dislike having to cheat to be able to leave the dungeon and get to the store to sell or my house to drop off all those darn dragon bones n scales i keep getting. And venders never have enough cash on them tho I know that already is in a mod somewhere. Carts are not.


carts.. or maybe SADDLEBAGS that hold stuff on your horse which they already have so little changes there hmm


ok ok one more thing.. the OPEN spell!!! darn those locks!! Where'd Mysticism go?

Edited by Dragazhar
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One of the most irritating things I find is the accidental stealing of stuff...

You know, you want to talk to a npc, it suddenly moves, just at the split-second you click and WHAM, you're branded a thief...

A mod that changes that would be great...


There are multiple options how to fix this:


- You don't steal unless you leave the house or tavern with the stuff, unless you are sneaking, then that item gets marked 'stolen'

(it also would enable you to drink that bottle of mead some drunk left on the table)[my favorite]


- have a steal-it and a non-steal mode, changeable in the inventory or the favorites menu, so you can only pick up stuff or steal everything according to the mode you're in.


- you pick up stuff instead of putting in your inventory, like the books do.

(better only in houses and taverns, do avoid a click-fest in dungeons and outside)

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My dream mod is a pole weapons mod.

Jounks Pole Arms for oblivion was alright but they didnt look that great, and you swung them around like swords. I would like a legit mod that gives them their own unique move set, gives the option to throw a spear, and makes the weapons look great as well. Spears, halbers, glaives, and pole axes are some examples of what I think would be good.

In addition to this the ability to attack from horseback with the pole weapons, swords, or bows.

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1) A huge multiplayer mod, similar to mmorpgs

2) mounts for your followers

3) dragonriding, and more types of mounts such as tigers


I forgot 20000000 things but I don't have the time to write that down :)

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realism Mod


-disabled fasttravel

-simple Compass(shows only North no Quests, aggroed monsters or other helpful s***)

-Map shows only places you have visited. Not your own position(happy navigating)

-optional 2d Map with better recognizable roads n stuff

-you can get hints of certain questrelated locations for a good price in taverns

-more expensive carriage rides

-temperature-> warm - normal - cold - f***ing cold - my balls are freezin off

-temperature affects fatigue

-swimming in water makes your armor wet(damn.....^^) when you are wet and it is at least f***ing cold you should change your armor or you freeze to death

-warm covering wardrobe(leather, pelt, fur) works against cold temperature

-cloth and heavy armor can be upgraded with leather, pelt or fur to be better against cold temperature, but weihgs more

-no instant potions..

-consistently eating affects fatigue

-Money weighs 0.1 a coin(+less money to find in the world)

-burden increased (also maybe limited amount of portable heavy objects like weapons or heavy armor)

-arrows weighs

-sleeping at least 8 hrs. in a tavern gives timelimited bonuses(staying always awake affects nothing)

-wounds that can't be healed by potions or spells, they affect special bodyparts like arms, legs, torso and/or head, you need to visit a special healer or a shrine of one of the gods

-you can buy saddlebags for your horse to store loot during your exploration

-horses for followers(also buyable saddlebags)

-Saving only available in Taverns, your home and bonfires you can set



would be effin cool to have a critical wound in the wilderness that disables your speed and/or a arm, and you have to navigate your way to a gods shrine somewhere in the west you have discovered a few days ago :D



sry for my humble english ^^

Edited by LegeArtis
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realism Mod


-disabled fasttravel

-more expensive carriage rides up to 1000

-temperature-> warm - normal - cold - f***ing cold - my balls are freezin off

-temperature effects fatigue

-warm covering wardrobe(leather, pelt, fur) works against cold temperature

-cloth and heavy armor can be upgraded with leather, pelt or fur to be better against cold temperature, but weihgs more

-no instant potions..

-consistently eating effects fatigue

-Money weighs 0.1 a coin(less money to find in the world)

-burden increased

-arrows weighs



awesome! I agree


darkness in dungeons anyone?


also harder enemies..

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Fighting giant (really giant) unique dragons with a different killing animation for each type (and making them more stronger).


A front crawl swimming animation.


Wander's clothes from shadow of the colossus.


those would be my "dream" mods :)


thanks for creating this topic there's very good ideas in here.

Edited by zebra0
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I just want a well-done Berserker Armor from the manga Berserk. There's a pretty nice dragon slayer sword mod which I've been using for a while now, but if I could get my hands on a high quality replica of the Berserker armor set, I would be in heaven. Edited by Nubblecakes
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