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I just want to see the classic unique weapons back, i was saddened by the lack of a new umbra character/sword. also someone needs to make sunder, since there is a keening. the spells could use a bit of a revamp, tho im sure midas will do the job (i see he's already started) I just feel like morrowind had it goin on, and don't get me wrong skyrim is amazing, but i'd like to see more unique weapons and armor. I wish they would remake morriwind with this engine, because the atmosphere was so much more likeable. i'd also kill to see the hands of the divines armor set in skyrim.
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How about COBL?

I went looking through UESP to look at the potion effects and noticed that the fire damage and shock damage potions are gone. What is the use of weakness to fire if there isn't fire damage poison, especially for archers?


The Alchemists pouch for Oblivion was great. A COBL sorter, storage and shortcut to mixing screen.

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Dream mod would probably involve having wings and being able to fly (and fight) through Skyrim's skies. I'm thinking Icarii from Axis books.


Mod I want NOW is summonable panther so I can RP Drizzt (dark elf from Salvatore's books). Also busting to have Midas Magics Summonable chest back to hold all my loot while I dungeon crawl.


Another interesting mod (maybe not DREAM mod) would be playable Falmer race. Would love to play as M/F Falmer twins who bust up from the underground to shake off living in the underdark, eating skeever meat and mushrooms, and discover they're Dovakhin.

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I second (or is that third?) the clothing mods.

You would think that after five years a sequel would be three or four steps more advanced than its predecessor.

Granted, seeing Solitude from a bit east of Markath or Windhelm from the waterfall west of Riften is amazing.

But the NPCs meshes look to be half the number of polys of Oblivion.


I guess that's what you get when you port a console game from a six year old console.


you misunderstand gaming completely, "advances" in gaming means higher polys in models which results in greater detail. In other words, more poly's = better looking npc's, less poly's = going back in time to ancient low-poly graphics from games before marrowind

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let's see.. my dream mod's:


1: to climb!! the ablility to climb is something i really miss in skyrim (especially with all the mountains/ rocks/hills/houses/and so on)!

2: Finishing moves for bow's and spell's...

3: to fly for a short time

4: to be able to activate shout's while jumping, attacking while jumping (also with bow's)

5: a skill which rips out the sould of one's enemy (while he's still alive) making him a lot weaker!



i could go on^^

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