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  • 6 months later...

I was wondering if anyone could make link from legend of zelda as a follower? To compliment the awesome epona mod and my followers horse riding mod. http://christopherrandallnicholson.webs.com/Evolution_of_Link_by_Nelde.png

I was also wondering if someone could either make a mod were you can flirt, kiss, hug, hold hands, and other stuff with spouses or courting mod before/after marry. Simple kiss and hug doesn't need to be to dynamic. I just feel it would put a more immersive feel to the mara quest-line marriage. all of which can be simple. :smile: Or at least pick up lines ;)

If no one is willing to do these mods what would it take to create them myself and what software would I need. How would I go about scripting since I know nothing of modding :D

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none of my mod requests are ever made so :x I wont waste space, I will however side with some peoples ideas which I also wanted.

1. being full tamriel world up to date with the lore.

2. hardcore mod from fonv

3. a better marriage system. like maybe being able to give them gifts? a meter to wooing them? some romance? and so on, I recall having a mod like this for morrowind.

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My dream mod would be a Throw Voice sound replacer. It would have all sorts of hilarious quotes from just about anything. If I knew how, I would totally do it myself. I can definitetly come up with a lot of good quotes if I wanted to. Like, for example, The Tourettes Guy. File of the Month right there.

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I cannot find any mods that let you become Jarl of any hold of your choosing, so I'd vote for that. You could either dispose of the current Jarl, or conquer the hold capital. This may need to be carefully crafted because it could break Jarl-related quests, including the way vanilla housecarls work. This would also need to work with a multi-follower framework mod like UFO because you would be probably be replacing the Jarl's followers with your own.


There is a savegame "Become the new jarl of whiterun", but I am looking for something more generic.

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