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oh, a many number of things would be great.


- multiple favorites lists, after all, were pc users, why give us a single button for favorites when we have all those number keys just sitting up there, i want to press 1 to open a favorites list with my weapons, i want to press 2 for a list of spells, 3 for shouts, and so on.


- i would want some things nerfed so that there would still be a challenge at higher levels (shield charge = op, enchanting to give myself 160% more 1 handed damage is op, enchanting to have destruction/healing spells cost 100% less is op, and so on)


- i would want job related skills (smithing, enchanting, alchemy) to get better though other means than perks, such as finding plans around the world for armor such as the weapons in fallout 3, or even an extremely hard quest that takes a long time to complete for some of the best armors (daedric, dragon)


- i would want skills divided into combat, utility, and job skills, jobs skills being what was just said, utility skills being persuasion, lock picking, pickpocketing and any other skills that is not a craft skill or a skill that affects combat, and combat being anything that effects combat in any way, such as damage, defense, buffs, stealth, and so on. combat skills would use perks, as they currently do, utility skills would automatically become better as you level them up, not as much as if you were to level them up and dump a ton of perks into it, but more effective than if you weren't to put any into them, and job skills would increase by doing various tasks around the world (special quests to learn how to make a type of potion or armor plans)


- and last but not least, good ol'fashion immersion.


it would be so cool if when i had a house i would need to pay upkeep, or else be locked out until i can afford it, and if your character needed to eat, and gain or lose weight depending on how much or how little he or she eats, and having that weight affect various things such as how long they can run, how fast they can run, how strong their attacks are, how much damage they can take, and so on. and having a spouse would help pay upkeep, and eating cooked meals would fill your character up longer than raw food, and ignoring eating will cause your character to no longer regenerate health.


that's a lot of stuff there :/


maybe some day :D

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A feature that allowed one to refund their skill, perks, magicka and health levels without the use of a command (I'm not talking about the available ones that use a command, as those just reset everything and give nothing back). Edited by Kevlareater
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Here is my one single Dream Mod request that, for me at least, beats any other Mod for Skyrim that does or could exist.


To use my Shield in my right hand. That's it, nothing more. You could offer me a Skyrim MOD that doubles the graphics resolution or fills the land with sexy naked ladies and I'd still take this one little Game MOD hands down. However, it's not quite as simple as it sounds.


Sadly, here's yet another example in Skyrim of how little Bethesda still cares for their once loyal PC fans (yes, I've played every Elder Scrolls game released since Arena). They never even bothered to include mirror images of the Shield textures and animations, as it's not required on an X-Box 360 Controller which maps Right Trigger to Right Hand. Instead, PC gamers get the super intuitive Left Mouse button mapped to Right Hand & Right Mouse button mapped to left hand. Swapping the Mouse buttons back to how Bethesda advertised Skyrim's controls would be (right button to right hand, left to left, etc) still means I'm blocking with left and attacking with right, which is the reverse of every other sword/shield game I've ever played. And even if Skyrim was never released for PC at all, I'd still be somewhat disappointed with Bethesda, being left-handed IRL. Many Games already out include a simple "Left Handed" option.


Err, Hmm, ok I'm stepping down for the soap box now............sorry about that. :blush:

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A mod that added the following


Master thief.

lets you clime buildings with some kind of grappling hook

enter threw windows.

poison people's food. (they would drop dead 4-5 hours after you poisoned food in their home.

a black jack that knocks people out with killing them via a sneak attack.

ability to drag some one to a container and hide their corpse in it.

one handed cross bows.


like a more advanced thieves tools mod from oblivion

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Dream mod would be a massive vampire overhaul that lets me play as a member of one of the different bloodlines/clans from White Wolf's World of Darkness. I'll make a Tremere and explode people and creatures with blood boil :dance: . Also tha vamp should grow stronger with age and lose his human features turning into a monstrosity with time(think Kain from LoK, his appearance evolved or Vukodlak from VTMRedemption). Key element of this vampire overhaul would be that there will be ways to sill get all your quests from all the NPC quest givers without being attacked on sight - thru disciplines like Dominate(illusion spells).. And thats it in a nutshell
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LINEAGE Mod (Not lineage the game...)


This would probably require more than an esp file to pull off...



When you marry you can have children. At some point in your game you have the option of retiring. At this point your character saves are deleted (save for the one the mod has to read for the following) and you begin a new game with the main quest deactivated (but ability to learn dragon shouts enabled with a few dragons floating around) as your offspring. Either the parent character dies or possibly is now an NPC in the new toons world. The mod bestows a permanent buff to the child that is very small randomly selected from the previous character's highest 5 skills. Let's say 5% bonus to 2handed.


THE HEIRLOOM (dun duunnnnn)

Upon retirement the mother or father of the child selects one item to pass to the child. The mod records the level of the character at the time of retirement. This heirloom item is placed in a quest (one that is not horribly wordy and dull if someone chooses to have a 10 generation line and play it over and over and over again) that contains mobs equal to the level of the parent to prevent the new character from being overpowered. Each time the heirloom is passed down it also receives a small unique bonus.

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