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Using bendable splines..

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When you place the first marker, you select it again and drag it to get the end marker. (Note: I've had to deselect and reselect the start marker to get them to work)


You then click on the wire itself to open the form,


Under Extra or Spline (I forget off hand) you set the tension and diameter (Note: They don't update on the fly so you'll need to hit F5 or, move one of the end markers again to get them to update.)


To duplicate one you need to select the wire itself and hit Ctrl + D (this can be useful for multiple wires from the same connection points or just to speed up the process of adding them)


You can move both end points and the wire at the same time by selecting the wire and moving it like any other form.


That's about all I have on them I hope it helps.


Edit: helpful hint, once you get one in place use 1,1 to hide it's end markers then duplicate a new one and move one of the new end markers to the next point you want to connect. it can be a real pain selecting the marker you want when you start to get a bunch of splines coming together at one point.

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Yeah, What Chuck said. All I can add is this: Drop an splineendpointmarker and then duplicate it. place the two splineendpointmarkers where you want the spline to go/be, highlight both and hit P. Then choose your spline type, and spline thickness and slack.

Use Shift+S to scale thickness and Ctrl+Alt+S to adjust the slack.

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Thanks. I found that "Ctrl+Alt+S" trick in the Edit>Render Window Hotkeys list. It's not on the list anymore though by the looks. Although the command still works. Weirdness as usual. I guess "Ctrl+Alt+S" has more than one function. (And they couldn't be bothered including them all in the list).

Edited by RaffTheSweetling
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