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Something Causing CTD


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I used to play Fallout 4 a lot and I used to use tons of mods and it ran mostly fine. I haven't played now for a long while so I re-downloaded the game and I started by using only some of my mods. All mods that I used to use without any trouble. I can go into the game but as soon as I try and start a new game it crashes to the desktop. I cannot figure it out as I went down my list of mods and all of them seem to have all the necessary ESM or ESP files above them in the loadout.


Can anyone check this list of mods and see if they can spot anything I am doing incorrectly?



Edited by Deseoso
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Hmm... I don't see your fallout.esm in there, is it hidden by default or not loading at all?

It wouldnt even load if he didnt have the fallout4 esm...


But thats just the top of the list...


Im curious though cause fallout4 esm ALLWAYS takes the num 00 spot and everything else follows .


Look at the load order numbers and whats at num 1 where is load order 00 ?


Something very weird going on...


@ deseoso


can you please run LOOT and if you dont have it installed i suggest you get it from nexus and run it.. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/5310/?

Edited by greekrage
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look at th


I used to play Fallout 4 a lot and I used to use tons of mods and it ran mostly fine. I haven't played now for a long while so I re-downloaded the game and I started by using only some of my mods. All mods that I used to use without any trouble. I can go into the game but as soon as I try and start a new game it crashes to the desktop. I cannot figure it out as I went down my list of mods and all of them seem to have all the necessary ESM or ESP files above them in the loadout.


Can anyone check this list of mods and see if they can spot anything I am doing incorrectly?



Look at how my order starts.. http://prntscr.com/cbxwzc

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