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Savegame Crash


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The people that had your same crash had problems on their leveled list you can try fixing it by creating a TES5Merge patch and Bash Patch. Anyway that crash doesn't say anything to you if you don't have basic memory allocation and OS knowledge and will not help find what mod cause the crash.

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Yeah, for me it's impossible to find. I'm playing the game right now with temporary solution. Load the save, "player.kill" then load the same save again and play like 1-2 hours with maximum 10 manual saves. Then restarting the process everytime. I hope i don't have complete corruption in future.

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you need the bash patch before the Reproccer patches so the patches can include the fixes from the Bash Patch to their modified items/other stuff. (the bash patch will become master of the reproccer patches anyway so putting it after will just make the game crash)


That makes sense I suppose. Thanks for sharing that info! I've never used the Reproccer before, so it's nice to know a little bit about how it works.

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