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Why does everybody hate console players?


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people look down on elitists but its elitists that make the best content, create the largest databases for information regarding builds, locations, spoilers, etc.


especially in mmo's where people like me theorycraft for hours and crunch numbers to create the best tank/dps/support /healing builds with "x" amount of gear

its elitists that create the "best way to do this or that" videos / posts. elitist go for the best so they can be the best and share their info with everyone else so everyone else can "get on their level" and enjoy the game that much more.


What you mean are the types of persons we call "Elites" not "elitists".


Elitists refers to a type of person that THINKS it is better than other persons and shows this in a inappropriate way. Elites are usually to busy to "explain" someone why they are so much better. They dont need that, they are usually intelligent people who know that they have been blessed with talents or fame or wealth or all of them and they also know that bragging about them especially to people which are not so fortunate, would make them the "dorks".


I would never call somebody "Elite" who constantly reminds others of his "superiorness". Such people are usually called "People with personality issues" (politically correct term).


Take Einstein for example, he did not run around pointing with his Finger at some people saying "i am more intelligent than you". He did not need it and he certainly did not want it.


Yet the best example for a humble Elite is Sokrates, who said "I know nothing" while many elitists around him who knew less boasted about how they know everything.

Edited by Arcadiast
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i think people hate consol gamers because pc gamers think they are better than consol gamers/look down on them because pc gamers have more money to build nice rigs.

Yeah! thats it! youre right, you got us! we elitist superrich PC-Gamers are the 1%! we control America and the rest of the world and our goal is to enslave the console players once and for all! PC forever brothers you all know our secret agenda!



i dont think you are getting what im saying. im saying it as human nature. the person with more money/more power/etc always thinks themselves to be better than everyone that dont have what they have. whether its concious or subconcious, that natural/primal power heirarchy is always there.


If people can buy new consoles each time it comes out they can afford a nice computer that lasts longer than those two consoles.It´s not a matter of being rich or poor, it´s a matter of choice.


no because a pc is open platform and can be modded at will to keep up with new technology. a consol isnt and gets outdated fast

it costs a lot of money to keep yur computer up to date with todays technology and to be able to play all games on ultra settings for the best experience.


my pc rig > my ps3 by far


I wouldnt say it costs a lot to keep a PC up to date. In total upgrading my PC to a far superior machine cost me about £400, 2 and a half years ago and still runs everything on max settings perfectly fine. I can see it lasting another year easily with the current trend as the CPU still has more room for further overclocking as does the GFX card. Plus it has 16GB of high performance RAM in it so thats not going to run out any time soon. I know thats way more than I need for gaming by the way, but I record music as well on my system and use a lot of VST instruments so RAM is essential.


Games generally arent pushing graphical boundaries anymore, so I think my system will last till the next generation of consoles. The worst case scenario is that I will have to lower a couple of settings which probably wont make much difference anyway.


I used to be the kind of gamer who would always go for the best hardware, but there really isn't any point at the moment. Mid range cards and CPUs run everything on max anyway so the only reason to buy a high end system is either for bragging rights or if you want it to last you a long time.


I could have even chosen to keep my system as it was and it would still have run all the new games fine just not on max settings. So I dont agree that you HAVE to upgrade all the time like a lot of people seem to think. Also if I want to upgrade something simple like a hard drive, I spend ~£40 on a 1TB drive and stick it in. On a console you have to buy a brand new console and only get about 40GB or something ridiculous. As well as it being a slow hard drive as proven by the endless load times on a lot of console games. Im guessing it is possible to upgrade a hardrive on a console without buying the whole thing, but the majority of console owners buy consoles so they dont have to do that kind of thing, so would more than likely opted for the option to buy the whole system.


The remark about PC gamers having loads of money is quite ridiculous as well. Taking into account the cost of console games over PC games it actually doesnt work out that much cheaper to use a console. In fact if you bought a lot of games it would probably be more expensive.

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I don't hate console players.


What I hate is this:


Because the majority of gamers (being console gamers) enjoy eating poo (bad games) companies put plates of poo in front of me and expect me to eat them.


I can't blame the console gamers, I'm assuming they just don't realize that there are better games.


I can't blame the companies, as they're designed to make money and they make a lot of money pushing out cheap poo that console gamers will eat.


I don't exactly know who to hate/blame for this state of affairs.


I'll blame consumerism/the turning of art into a commodity.

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I think all the 'hate' is unfairly placed on console owners.


The fact is, consoles are static. They don't improve, graphic wise. Games have to be fitted to run on consoles, and they're slowing down progress with graphical quality. Its 2011 and I'm playing a game that can run on a 2005-6 machine. That's what pisses me off.


And the popularity of consoles make it so developers take them into account more than PC players, so games are designed with menus/controls/gameplay that works well with an UP-DOWN-LEFT-RIGHT-A-B-X-Y controller. Then they don't make the adjustments for PC platform. So that pisses people off.


The fault, in my opinion, lies in that hands of developers. If they commit to different platforms then they should optimize their product for its intended use. That's what games are. Products.


If I am building a shed outside, I'm gonna need treated lumber, because its 'optimized' for its intended use.

If I buy a diving watch, it better be water proof.

If I buy a cheeseburger, it better have cheese on it, or else its not a cheeseburger.

If I buy a PC game, it better have PC features, or else its not a PC game. I ordered a PC game here, but I got no cheese.


Something like that anyway...

Edited by droscoe2
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There is no hatred of console players there is a serious dislike of how game design is done for the console and so players needing someone to hate on they hate on people who play consoles.

In general though game design has changed a lot over time and most of us older players do not like it very much.

The greatest contribution as I have said is how much console titles sell and how inundated with overhead UIs and big explanations and hand holding techniques that did not really affect PC titles until they started porting them back and forth.


So no one hates console players. The effect of console games has changed the industry that's all; and it inevitable.

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If PC sales and console sales were reversed we would be seeing much better games being released. That means when you buy console you are contributing to weaker games being developed. :whistling:

WOW THAT'S EXACTLY MY POINT! You said it all my friend! :thumbsup:

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The latest generation of consoles arrived on the seen more than five years ago now, the developers are still basing the newest games on that old tech... bummer. :(
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We don't hate console players, we had the developers who ruin otherwise great PC games by essentially making a console game for PCs. I'm sure you've already read the complaints, so I won't repeat many of them here except this one:


The only challenge I have in Skyrim is fighting the control structure. I haven't had a single combat where I felt like I was actually playing the game properly. I'm always struggling to switch spells, to cast spells, to switch back to my sword. Basically, I get in a combat and then just stand around fighting with my controls instead of fighting my opponents. Often, by the time I've gotten things sorted out, my companion or even my horse has finished the combat for me. Why? Because the controls don't work worth a darn on the PC. It's a needlessly complex system that is beyond cumbersome and it's absolutely a result of the developers not bothering to really make a PC version. The whole thing is optimized for a freaking gamepad, which many PC games don't like or use. What would work, gee, I don't know. How about scroll up to switch left hand items and scroll down to switch right-hand items? Maybe with a modifier key so that it won't conflict with zooming. There, in 1 minute I can tell you how to fixed a game that the developer couldn't be bothered to make work properly on PC...

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