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63 members have voted

  1. 1. Is porn good or bad?

    • It´s all good.
    • It is neutral.
    • It is legal, but not necessarily morally good
    • It is morally abhorrent
    • Porn should be banned and criminalized!
  2. 2. Is porn necessary?

    • Yes.
    • No.
    • I don´t know.
    • I abstain
  3. 3. Have you ever watched porn?

    • Yes, I am a man
    • No, I am a man
    • Yes, I am a woman
    • No, I am a woman

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@Nin, for once I agree with you. You said my words (though you use a lot more than me :P ) Only thing is, I don´t think you can generalize, about men being turned on at what they see. Being elder, I am aware that gentle talk and nice experiences are a good way to a womans heart, but it can certainly be so with a mans heart too.

But for those who does not have it that way, and will use porn for what it is; entertainment, I see no problem, as long as all participants are performing by their free will, and all laws are obeyed.

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Nintii, did that seminar give out pamphlets that had sources for their findings? Not attacking, I'm just genuinely interested.


Not that I remember (but I will check), I did buy the DVD though ... I'm not sure if it's available where you are ... I'll watch the DVD again and see if there was any references to "official" stats or something along those lines.

The one thing that must have bothered a lot of guys though (I'm just assuming of course), is that one guy was brave enough to ask whether there was a method to "unimprint" and the lecturer said that he wasn't sure ... it was obvious from the tangible dead silence that this was a big deal for the men present.


Also, he did speak of the "differences" for a guy ejaculating and climaxing ... he said that there was definitely a difference ... the latter and better one only taking place during intercourse,

and the other being a physically-emotionally weaker experience by far.

And because you're a nuts and bolts question everything kind of guy, more pleasure chemicals or hormones were released during actual sex, so it wasn't like he was punting his personal preferences ... again i'll check for stats.


@ Balagor, thank you ... and yes, I am aware that I was generalising but the fact remains, men are primarily "See-Hear" creatures, if I can say it like that.

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So too, this "imprinting" takes place in the mind of a man who becomes caught up with porn ... eventually he will not be able to have and maintain an erection unless he has the stimuli

of porn present ... some of these guys will have to watch porn whether it's a movie or images from a book "while" they are making love ... the ability to perform naturally will have been impaired because of the "imprinting" on their psyche.

This imprinting becomes even more binding and powerful when porn is coupled with the act of habitual masturbation.

Just another reason I frown upon porn.


Now this is completely different from the FACT that the depletion of the male hormone will also cause him not to be able to perform like he used to - it's not that he doesn't love you

honey, it's because a certain chemical in his body has run down because of age ... and the age I'm told can even begin in a man's 30's ... or his blood flow has been impaired.

It's like diabetes, or a common cold or flu or some other type of physical problem ... and just as you would take medication for those, so to there is now medication to fix this physical

problem to.

So don't make it an issue.

Sure age affects mens ability to perform, It catches up to everyone eventual.


But porn is just fuel for my imagination. something which I carry with everywhere, books and vids are a great tool to focus on to gain arousal, not when I am actually in physical contact anyway. however I never thought I would ever need to see it to get horny after having seen prawn. It's not like I need to sleep with an ex GF, who I regularly partake in a sexual fantasies using memories as material. I hope I don't have to find her just to get a boner again.


I'm not puzzled how that is actually true, because conditioning is totally how it works, In the early sexual development stages at least. everything else is just habit and addiction after that I think.


The one thing that made my sexual drive go through the roof was hitting a Bikram yoga class on a more or less a daily basis. At the time I was insatiable. Stress, lack of rest and confidence are the major factors in poor performance. I think porn having influence on performance is way below in terms of impact then by his mental and physical well being. What you seem to want to suggest is that porn comes first in the factors that make performance an issue, I think that is unfair and don't think it is porn in and of itself. Basically, so some dudes can't get it up without watching porn. My advice is think about that for a second then search for underlying issue... imo it's probably not porn at all.

Edited by Ghogiel
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@ Ghogiel ... No, that's not what I'm saying (men need porn as a stimulus for an erection), you should be able to achieve that naturally but if as a guy due to a number of circumstances you find iyourself just not being able to achieve it then that's what your partner is there for.


And if your partner isn't there for you in that situation then what an absolute shame on them ... I tell you I walked out of that seminar 3 hours later with a knowledge on men and what makes them tick even more than what men know of themselves ... and incredibly way beyond what most women have a cotton picking clue about.

But back to the issue at at hand ... according to the lecturer who should know especially since he's studied this stuff, if you as a man continually use porn coupled with the act of habitual masturbation or if you continually use porn as a tool or a stimulus for sexual arousal, are not careful, you will eventually ruin yourself.


You WILL EVENTUALLY AFFECT your natural ability to achieve an erection because that which should naturally cause you to have an erection will be replaced with the image of porn and without that stimuli of porn being present you will lose your ability to achieve what should come naturally.

Your mind will be altered and the chemicals etc that are released to produce what should happen normaly will not be produced or released without your crutch, namely porn.

You are conditioning yourself, you are brainwashing yourself with porn.


Also, I'm not saying that porn is the main culprit that produces ED (erectile dysfunction) in a man, but it most certainly is the most destructive.

Just imagine that you've so conditioned yourself with porn ... what are you going to do when "things" don't work and you're in an intimate moment ... what, whip out your book or quickly search the web or watch a movie ?

No ... you're toast, at least when it was natural stimuli - not porn - you never needed to be so concerned ... at least once the pressure or stress was gone, your "ability" came back ...

now it's GONE.


Also, we just happen to be posting on a topic that is about porn, hence my reference to porn and not to other equally key points in male erectile dysfunction.

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I also read somewhere that if you don't use it, you lose it, when referring to a man's labido. Pornography usage I would think helps men "use it" during a dry spell, and helps keep them from losing it. here's some supplementary reading material regarding that. It doesn't talk about pornography directly, but as most people will surely agree, pornography is sometimes much easier to acquire than actual sexual interactions.
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@ Ghogiel ... No, that's not what I'm saying (men need porn as a stimulus for an erection), you should be able to achieve that naturally but if as a guy due to a number of circumstances you find iyourself just not being able to achieve it then that's what your partner is there for.


And if your partner isn't there for you in that situation then what an absolute shame on them ... I tell you I walked out of that seminar 3 hours later with a knowledge on men and what makes them tick even more than what men know of themselves ... and incredibly way beyond what most women have a cotton picking clue about.

But back to the issue at at hand ... according to the lecturer who should know especially since he's studied this stuff, if you as a man continually use porn coupled with the act of habitual masturbation or if you continually use porn as a tool or a stimulus for sexual arousal, are not careful, you will eventually ruin yourself.


You WILL EVENTUALLY AFFECT your natural ability to achieve an erection because that which should naturally cause you to have an erection will be replaced with the image of porn and without that stimuli of porn being present you will lose your ability to achieve what should come naturally.

Your mind will be altered and the chemicals etc that are released to produce what should happen normaly will not be produced or released without your crutch, namely porn.

You are conditioning yourself, you are brainwashing yourself with porn.


Also, I'm not saying that porn is the main culprit that produces ED (erectile dysfunction) in a man, but it most certainly is the most destructive.

Just imagine that you've so conditioned yourself with porn ... what are you going to do when "things" don't work and you're in an intimate moment ... what, whip out your book or quickly search the web or watch a movie ?

No ... you're toast, at least when it was natural stimuli - not porn - you never needed to be so concerned ... at least once the pressure or stress was gone, your "ability" came back ...

now it's GONE.


Also, we just happen to be posting on a topic that is about porn, hence my reference to porn and not to other equally key points in male erectile dysfunction.

So porn is the most destructive force leading to ED, who would have thought! This all sounds suspiciously like one of those wives tales, going blind and hairy palms. No offence, but I am thinking porn is being a scape goat here. I think if you have a healthy sex life, exercise. yadda yadda, it's the best you can do to avoid any physical problems (and psychological dysfunction). I think what you are describing isn't porns issue, it's men being addicted to porn and not enjoying healthy sex, whacking it and over stimulating themselves, ie desensitising. Which I can certainly buy. Being addicted to the internet and such can cause you psychological dysfunction, but internet isn't wrong or harmful.


For about 2 years I never had media or very much of anything like newspapers, not net certainly, and watched maybe a few films randomly. Once I came back to civilisation, I found that I could not watch violent TV and even documentaries on serial killers, made me feel strangely horrible. I had sensitised myself to these things. It is kinda hard to describe the contrast in my mind.. It was the same with sex, no porn at all for 2 years, just healthy sexual relationship etc. So if it is a case of sensitisation, sure. this is something we all make a choice about. ATM I am completely guilty of choosing how I conduct myself and what information I feed myself. It isn't all good or beneficial. I give into the cravings of instant gratification. Even though I know when I am doing it. I think once it goes bad for you, you only really have yourself to blame. the thing is to not wallow in misery or self pity. You can always take charge, the trick is to stick to your guns and follow through.


To any dudes out there with issues:

if you can get a rager while watching porn, guess what.. your junk isn't broken. So at least take comfort in that, it's a lot more than some can manage! Now you just need to figure out how to use it's powers for good!

Edited by Ghogiel
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Best laugh I've had all week - the "imprinting" of males to pornography. Better stop playing violent games like Oblivion and Skyrim as these might "imprint" you too, to violence and killing.


This pseudo-psychology has been around for a number of years and has been discredited by numerous agencies and doctors. Its not the violence or the pornography that causes "imprinting" of the individual and their problems with sex or violence, its the individual who is already "imprinted" who has the problem - regardless of the amount of pornography or violence they observe or use for stimulation. In reality, such individuals who are of this psyche will only use pornography or violence that stimulates them and reject all other types. Oh and by the way, females are as susceptible as men in this area as its a mental condition, not a pornography one. May as well identify that nymphomania is caused by porn too and that all those bodice rippers women read tend to lead them to become nymphomaniacs by "imprinting" them.


Like Ghogiel mentioned, one may as well also warn that pornography will lead to hairy palms, going blind, large feet, knuckles dragging on the ground and other physical ailments.

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Best laugh I've had all week - the "imprinting" of males to pornography. Better stop playing violent games like Oblivion and Skyrim as these might "imprint" you too, to violence and killing.


This pseudo-psychology has been around for a number of years and has been discredited by numerous agencies and doctors. Its not the violence or the pornography that causes "imprinting" of the individual and their problems with sex or violence, its the individual who is already "imprinted" who has the problem - regardless of the amount of pornography or violence they observe or use for stimulation. In reality, such individuals who are of this psyche will only use pornography or violence that stimulates them and reject all other types. Oh and by the way, females are as susceptible as men in this area as its a mental condition, not a pornography one. May as well identify that nymphomania is caused by porn too and that all those bodice rippers women read tend to lead them to become nymphomaniacs by "imprinting" them.


Like Ghogiel mentioned, one may as well also warn that pornography will lead to hairy palms, going blind, large feet, knuckles dragging on the ground and other physical ailments.



ffa 1 mf - LMAO!!! :biggrin:

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Yes, grannywils, that particular idea on imprinting is good for a laugh. However, I wonder how many of these debaters realize just how obnoxious and disgusting the pornography industry is, particularly those who think it harms no one and its OK so long as "no one gets hurt" and there are "consenting" adults.


I suppose its just a lark to some to watch a porn movie, but after the number of years I spent as an investigator its simply that there is no one who is not being hurt by pornography (except those who profit from it) and it isn't a problem in one or another part of the world but across the globe. Sure, its worse in some places than others, but that doesn't excuse the idea that its OK to watch a porn movie and support a wide system of human abuse that has enslaved literally thousands of men, women and children around the world.


Frankly, I cannot imagine anything so boring and wasteful of time as watching a porn movie. I'd just as soon watch paint dry.

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