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The creatures are strangely balanced.


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So I'm going to write down from 1 to 10 which takes the most effort to kill:







Everything else in existence-2


Strange. One second I can obliterate a dragon, the vey next second I'm running for my life from a troll...**scratches head in confusion**

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A 10 for giants? Once you have full unrelenting force, just blast them with that, quaff a potion if you want and bash them while they're down.

I lost the fear of giants when I killed my first in a damage burst of a few seconds while it was scrambling to get up.


Dragons are a b.tch to kill if you're melee and they don't land.

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For me, dificulty.


Dragons: ~9~ (The stars of the show get a nine from me, but as an average rather than a definite score, their dificulty varies enormously)


Giants: 7/5 (Very easy from range, very hard in melee at lower levels, fairly easy at high level)


Trolls: 4 (Fire, they hate fire, kills 'em dead)


Mammoths: 8 (speedy, tough, too stupid to die, long reach)


Saberteeth(?): 5(well balanced to fight, gets a little easier every level, still nasty to have one jack-in-the-box on you from behind tho)


Bears: 6 (damn stupid things eat arrows)


Chaurus: A tentative 5 (they remain something of an unknown quantity, but seem highly durable, I've only fought 2 though, and both were wounded already)


FrostBite Spiders: 3 6 and 8(3 for small ones, 6 for normal ones, 8 for giant ones)


Draugr: -1 (Knock it over, and stomp it flat!!! hugely satisfying and very very easy to kill)


Stormcloaks: -50 (Psh, noobs)


Imperials: -51(Psh, noobs, who lose a point for fighting in freezing cold in short skirts and no undies)


Rest of the world: ~2~


Bandits: -999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999(Minus ninety trillion bajillion point nine) (They never seem to see death comin' for 'em- "wozzat sound ova der... *PEWPEW BOW N ARROWS SNEAKATTACK DEATH OF DOOM*")


~#~ denotes an average score given instead of a definite.

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