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WTF Bugthesda stealing mods AGAIN?


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BTW, I'll continue to use the nickname as long as I please. I have been congratulated by others for calling them exactly what they are.

Ummm.... Literal LOL. As I already said, if you were really giving them an appropriate nickname it would be:



Like, seriously, how is this even a debate? That's just not what theft is. It's hardly even metaphorically theft. So if you've been congratulated--and seriously, LOL--then it's not only by people with no taste, but people with no brains.


The primary contention of this tread still hasn't been answered by the fanobois either.


Um, yes it has been. Eli her-damn-self answered your contention that Bugthefta (haha! Get it! Much funnies!) stole from her. Dazzerfong pointed out that they aren't that similar. As Cidermuffin pointed out, people asked Bugthefta (omg, I take it all back! Saying it is just too funny!) for the vault dlc. And as everyone on their mom's dog pointed out, the vault DLC was Bugthefta's (can't breathe. Too...{wheeze}...funny) idea in their iphone game thing.


Especially when that content was never shown or mentioned in any of the promotional material for that DLC? And even when content that we already had thanks to modders is shown, at what point do we ask Bugthefta {Please stop! I already peed my best pants!] "Why am I paying for this?"

Good question. I'll give a hint as to what the answer's not: because we wanted the suit that WAS NEVER SHOWN OR MENTIONED IN ANY OF THE PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL FOR THAT DLC!! Seriously, literally no one bought the dlc for that reason because literally no one knew it was in there. And now we're supposed to be upset because something we already had is (surprise!) included in a version of something we already wanted? We would all have paid for the mod even without the outfit.


Yes it is their IP, and all content created for their game belongs to them, and they can do what they please with it however

Actually no. Read the EULA. Bugthefta (It just keeps getting funnier!) explicitly says mods authors own their mods.


Taking an idea or content that someone else came up with, without their knowledge, consent or even recognition and putting it into their game is theft pure and simple.


No it's not, pure and simple. You can't steal an idea. Pure and simple. Moreover, the idea was absolutely not Ei's. It was Bugthefta's {oh f*ck... can people realy die laughing... must finish...}. They came up with the posters, they came up with the design. Eli put that design--WHICH THEY CAME UP WITH--into the game and they independently did the same.



So I at least will keep calling a thief, a thief.

Well, hey, people congratualted you on the IMMENSELY CLEVER AND FUNNY name. So you had better keep using it. Although... be careful. Bugthefta might steal it. {dies.}

Edited by RS13
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Duuuuude do you really think they couldnt have come up with the idea of building vaults by themselves? Or adding more pieces to the workshop?

And btw i bet they probably had those dlcs already precisly planned and written out before the game even came out, so you cant really blame them for thievery....

Its not like they sit around a big table and then the headdesigner asks: "so guys we got a dlc that i want to release in two weeks, any ideas?"
Random dude:"yo boss someone just uploaded a mod where you can use vanilla pieces of the game using the vanilla building system to make something thats already in the vanilla game that we made"

Headdesinger:" Oh wow, what an idea, i could have never come up with that on my own... its new, its revolutionary, its what the people want, jimmy, go ahead and make me that, ill give you 3 days"


Hope that made it easier for you to understand....

Edited by xgamer468
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And to the nuka Cola thing, there is difference between copying something and a clear reference to something, They didnt think oh hey Coco Cola has some nice designs lets steal all of them, they wanted people to recognize that nuka cola is supposed to be the coca cola of the wasteland

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6/4 stole from 3/2 and was stolen from by 9/6
coincidentally patterns in the universe tend to recur, the rhyme and reason of it is a bit mysterious, to be honest this discussion had me writing down derivations and thinking about various models which had a number like 1 go into 2
or say, 1 point connecting to a 2d triangle (3 points) and forming a 4-sided pyramid (which is a 4 point, 5 sided object)
anyways, as you can see, even just discussing this thing brings into formation numbers 1-5 juts to describe a single thing
and if I wanted to compare the relative dimensions of 3 to 5... then 3 would be dimension 1 if 4 is dimension 2 if 5 is dimension 3
notice how 1-->3 is the number of lines each point of a triangle has to have to fairly anchor to a pentagon's 5 points
oh snap, see where this goes? just look at this, this is terrible. nothing is original and everything is based on the repetition of certain formula

I was having trouble with 2-->4 or 4-->6, but what I found then was that if one uses a diagonal line that's 1/1 in ratio, then I can't tell if it's y/x or x/y because it makes no difference
I call this a "phantom 2" because it could be either or and I denoted it at 3/2 for lack of a better alternative (it's neither here nor there)

2x2 or 2+2? both are 4, if I were to say 4, which would it be, 2+2 or 2x2? is it up to you to decide? but what if I had an answer in mind already? there's no way to tell if it's just that in mind, 2x2+1 or 2+2+1 would make a difference, but that's neither here nor there.

there's 0 difference
what is 1/0? undefined, it's not necessarily infinity because infinity should also include the negatives yes?

what does any of this have to do with the topic?
simple. there are limited patterns in the universe and humans tend to revolve or keep hitting the same ones, so what one perceives as only a copy isn't always that, I came up with an entire storyline that when I looked back at it, was highly similar to battle angel alita's, that was an accident but I know I read it recently and was impressed by it

the night angel trilogy is similar in concept to diablo 3's storyline, was it copied? I don't know, maybe
also english stole from french, german, spanish
how much money was made off the english language? how do we distribute the moneys?
how do we even get the moneys from english speakers to spaniards
but wait, what if the spaniard speaks english, do they have to pay themselves?!

BTW. if you see the patterns too much, get help, or you'd better be on the autism spectrum, but then you need to accept that fact either which way

http://www.droid-life.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/samsung-apple-lawsui8ts.png Edited by tartarsauce2
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Anyone who puts forth an argument by seriously referring to them as "Bugthefta" loses all credibility.

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