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Skyrim NMM not loading my mods into the game.


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All the mods are checked in plugins when I launch skyrim from NMM, yet in Data Files there isn't anything there. (can't upload image of that screen since the file was too big to upload)


(And the mods were installed from the NMM to Plugins in the Data Folder)


Someone help I can't get any of the mods to work.

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TSEV Skyrim LE? The Scrolls Elder V Skyrim Legendary Edition? that's a weird way to write it.




All the mods are checked in plugins when I launch skyrim from NMM, yet in Data Files there isn't anything there. (can't upload image of that screen since the file was too big to upload)

i see mods in the folder so im confused... do you mind explaining it better and sharing your load order?

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Are the Mods in <RootFolder>\Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim\Data\


Your Address Bar is PC\Documents\MyGames\TSEV Skyrim LE\Data\


One question is the TESV.exe Application in "TESV Skyrim LE" Folder?


I see so many thing wrong I don't where to being.




I use MO for Gaming and NMM Legacy to Mod Steam Data Folder for my Current Project Requirements, I have no idea how new NMM works so I leave this one to Others.

Edited by PeterMartyr
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