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Epic Dragon Fights ?


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One thing I am looking forward to once the CK is out is to diversify the dragons. If someone else doesn't get around to it first I want to have different textured dragons in different areas with different abilities. I'd like to see dragons using more than just frost and fire breath. I'd like to see some using a few other kinds of shouts to make things more interesting.


If you are melee I can see a dragon using Fus-ro-dah against you, then dis-arming you (or the other way around), then coming at you to chomp you to bits. Some may even use shouts that charm or infuriate nearby targets. Imagine if, while using the town guards to help you out, the dragon uses a shout that causes them all to attack the closest target. Your allies suddenly turn on each other and you.


I have so many ideas for new dragon abilities, I can't wait!

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I don't know what game you guys have been playing but Skyrims dragons are HARD. Now I can agree that they aren't perfect and the attacks are so frequent it becomes dull but in challenge there are some variables you must consider.


I play a mage on Master difficulty. Sure a warrior with skills that raises resistance on shield blocks can take some fire or cold breath but I must put my enchantment points on lowering magicka cost. Dragons breath one shots me, thats right one continous breath and I am dead. Now that doesn't mean I will die every time a dragon breathes fire or ice on me though. No I just have to be quick with the heal before my HP gets too low, thats is excitement to know you have ~1-2seconds to heal up or your dead, possible longer if you find a pillar to hide behind.


As for dragons being weak when it comes to physical fighting i'm also not sure what you are talking about. At least on Master if I get too close to a dragon he will grab me by the neck and throw me in the air assuring I die. The same goes if I am on an open field and a dragon comes flying I need to find cover Quick! Or he will do a glide and grab my character, take me up in the air and let me fall like a rock. Also instant death. This is without even mentioning all the NPCs that dragons kill for me if I do not kill them fast enough. I've already had the blacksmith and blacksmiths wife killed in riverwood due to dragon attacks (I tried to load the game to prevent the blacksmith from dying but he died again and again :(). But even so it's quite remarkable with a game that allows that type of freedom for NPCs.


I'm not trying to defend dragons in Skyrim because I would have prefered that they arrived way later in the story as now they are just tideous with their constant spam if I may call it that. But I really must disagree with the easy part, dragons are anything but easy :)


I know what you mean but I'm afraid most people don't experience it like you. I'm playing on expert and Dragon are not the hardest battles, they are not completely easy but they should be better. Just today, in a dragon fight, I accidentally Marked for Death (2 words) a guard and despite having the dragon focused on him, he didn't die. Moreover I have yet to see the grabbing into the air animation and I have only been bitten and trashed like a T-Rex would do once. Dragons should use their final blows as regular attacks to get rid of minor foes and they MUST be stronger, at least against other NPCs and creatures. There's a video in youtube where 2 bears and 3 spiders kill a dragon for god's sake.

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Yes, it's just a finishing move like any other, with a random chance of executing provided the attack will kill you in the first place.


It could very well be a finishing move, provided that Master difficulty dragons can finish me in one hit which frankly wuold not surprise me if they could. My hp is around 450 and just recently I started to wear heavy armor before that I had maybe 30 armor so maybe my character was viable for dragon finishing moves even when in full HP. Still it is scary as hell to face one :)


I know what you mean but I'm afraid most people don't experience it like you. I'm playing on expert and Dragon are not the hardest battles, they are not completely easy but they should be better. Just today, in a dragon fight, I accidentally Marked for Death (2 words) a guard and despite having the dragon focused on him, he didn't die. Moreover I have yet to see the grabbing into the air animation and I have only been bitten and trashed like a T-Rex would do once. Dragons should use their final blows as regular attacks to get rid of minor foes and they MUST be stronger, at least against other NPCs and creatures. There's a video in youtube where 2 bears and 3 spiders kill a dragon for god's sake.


The issue with the difficulty slider in Skyrim is unfortunately that it adds a lot more HP than it adds damage to enemies. Also it does the same to friendly NPCs as well as enemies so in context it just make you suck more as a character rather than making your enemies stronger. Playing on master a guard for example have a lot more HP than they would be on novice but a dragon have not had an equally major increase in damage allowing the guard to take a lot more hits before it dies. Sure it does make sens that companions must be stronger to prevent a certain amount of frustration when playing harder difficulties but they should not be better at killing than before.


For example, Conjuration is as easy on novice as it is on master assuming you don't get hit by mobs simply because your summons get so much stronger from the difficulty slider.

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In my opinion combat is the same as in oblivion, you hack and slash and light things on fire...basic, with the exception of a few perks, you basically will be doing this for the rest of the game...there just isnt any reall progress in combat other then, that enemies have more hp and do more dmg...there are enviroments that could be used for many things in fight but they mostly end up being eye-candy.


You have a few killing moves and thats it, after some time its bound to get repetitive and since many things are unfinished or just half-baked work, the epicness quickly fades.


I agree. There could be so much more in the game combat-wise. Using the environment to your advantage for instance. There are so many things to improve in Skyrim. I guess when CK released modders will be quite busy.


But what I want to point out is the Dragons should not be treated as just another random creature to kill. I want dragon fights last longer. I fought trolls more badass than dragons.



In the new mod (see sig) I'm looking at doing I'm going to research into better dragon fights - maybe even mounted from another dragon. As always ambitious but crazy


That's really intriguing. If it works like it's intended it can be a very interesting mod.


Yes, it's just a finishing move like any other, with a random chance of executing provided the attack will kill you in the first place.


Well then .. Next time I'll try to keep the fights as long as I can until I see it.

Edited by Soresu
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The dragons are for me hard to kill too, but there is none epicness in there..the combat would really need some advanced moves system...for example special attacks that would work only on dragons...like jumping on his back when it tries to fly off, holding yourself with one hand and stabing with the other...the system of both hands would be good addition for it...though this would be very hard to do.


Also this game screams for some dodge system..on expert dificulty i get 2 shoted by dragons/trolls/bears...would be great to dodge these attacks..that would make the combat more dramatic, then just drinking liters of hp potions and slash untill it dies.

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i would debate that the difficulty of the dragon fights are directly proportional to your level, difficulty, and what type of play style you are leaning towards. A Warrior being the easiest, then a thief, and a age being the most difficult to slay dragons as.


as for the fights getting repetitive, they are a little, but I'd rather fight a bunch of dragons then crawl thru a bunch of oblivion gates.

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I'd rather fight a bunch of dragons then crawl thru a bunch of oblivion gates.


Truer words were never spoken.

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