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[PerMa] Archery not viable?


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I've never used PerMa but my characters that use Archery tend to also do Enchanting, Alchemy and wep and armour smithing as all my characters do the crafting skills. They don't have any trouble killing things with their bows, usually with no Stealth.


Maybe there something about the mod or some other conflict as all your targets seem to have some mega-buffed resistance to piercing damage and weakness to slashing damage. Have you tried with a Mace or 2-handed War Hammer?

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I've been playing around with some more testing today.


I toggled god mode so I could see how much damage I did without getting oneshotted (because PerMa enemies are very dangerous...). Using getav health I checked how much damage I did with bow and sword. I tried changing the base arrow damage for PerMa from 13 to 26 and did some testing, and, of course, my damage increased. Then I changed the base arrow damage back, forced Patchus Maximus to make a patch, and... Now the bow does more damage than the sword.


I did some more testing after that, and I kill a mob about twice as fast with the bow as I to with the sword now, no matter if I spawn them in or encounter them while playing. Yeah, I have no idea what's going on.

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forced Patchus Maximus to make a patch, and... Now the bow does more damage than the sword.


Hmm. Maybe there's something with all your mods that some weapons do not get affected by PerMa unless you make a patch? Or, as the character levels up, the weapon damage of some items get left behind? I know that your bow has not been in any game I have ever played, so must come from one of your mods or a crafting mod.


EG, maybe the bow damage lagged behind because your Archery skill and perks were not being applied for some reason?

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LOOT + Perma: Absolutely not, you need to decide LOOT or Perma together they don't work.


After having understood that watch this video to install Perma the right way:


Then install the patches from this mod if you are missing some: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59257


Use this Load order: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59257/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D59257%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D2213034&pUp=1


Then for the rest of the .esp:


#01: Your ESM Files;
#02: Bug-Fix type Mods;
#03: Game Structure and/or UI Mods:
#04: Character Appearance Mods (For NPCs and Self);
#05: Mods that Add and/or Change Locations; *
#06: Mods that Add and/or Change Items;
#07: Mods that Add NPCs;
#08: Texture Mods;
#09: Environmental Mods (things like Climates of Tamriel, Sounds of Skyrim, etc.);
#10: Mods with Gameplay Changes; Then,
#11: Reproccers, AV, and Bashed Patches.


From: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/753253-only-you-can-prevent-forest-fires/ read it is useful!


You can even watch my load order if you want is under here \/ \/ \/

Edited by Project579
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LOOT + Perma: Absolutely not, you need to decide LOOT or Perma together they don't work.

I've been playing with that(-ish) load order for about 50 hours the last few weeks, so something has to work. :D


But I honestly didn't know that LOOT and PerMa don't play well together; the only real issue I've had is the bow damage, and that appears to have fixed itself. I've made merged and bashed patches now (which I'd completely forgotten about...), and can't see any difference, although I guess some more testing is needed.


I'll have a look at that video (or find somthing for NMM ;) ) later and take a look at your load order.


Thanks. :)

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