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Is Olaf One-Eye a norse Odin refrence?


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Is Olaf One-Eye a Norse reference to Odin of the asier?


I came across this in skyrim and wondered for a variety of reasons....Most of them circumstantial.


For one, the similarity of the names, the title, the Nord race as depicted in skyrim culture.


Though I know technically in lore its not really Odin, it seems to be a nod in that direction. If so why would it turn out to be...?

Edited by skyquest32
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I agree that a lot of Skyrim is inspired by Norse history and mythology. But I can't find any direct connection between Olaf in the game and Odin in Norse mythology. If you haven't read it yet, here's his Elder Scrolls wiki.


On a related note: I find it interesting that in the game itself, you find conflicting evidence that Olaf was either a hero or a shameless charlatan. During the Bard's College quest line you actually encounter a wrathful Draugr lord who is apparently the spirit of Olaf, who wants to kill you and the ghost of a bard that exposed his legendary battle with the dragon Numinex as a lie long ago. Yet elsewhere you find compelling evidence that he really was a hero and you actually meet him in Sovngarde. Since only true heroes are allowed into Sovngarde, it seems a bit at odds with the evil lich-like version of him you fight.

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Sovngarde is a reference to Valhalla that's for sure. Its very possible that he is a reference to Odin. They both have 1 eye (if i'm not mistaking). They both are heroes but Odin is like the king of Sovngarde you know the one who created it. But it's very possible. I kinda like to think that way.

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The Olaf issue is why I generally assassinate the Altmer leader of the College and some of its staff for spreading sedition and undermining Nord Culture. This is as an Imperial Nord. Were I Stormcloak the purge would be far worse.


Olaf One Eye is a hero. Time to put a stop to this nonsense. Elisif didn't go far enough.



(all while simply ignoring the other 'thing" which I just tolerate to get to the word wall, and once I get that book of lies no one will ever see it)

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