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Bloody mess (BM) perk - not working


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I'm certain that the bloody mess perk is not working correctly for me - specifically it means that I can't proc a bloody explosion with melee/unarmed weapon, everyone just dies normally. I can however trigger the bloody mess explosion on corpse - after few hits it will explode. The point is that i have to first kill and then damage the corpse to see the bloody mess - I'm sure that it is not how it was supposed to work. Enemies should occasionally explode on a killing blow. For me they don't. There are some exceptions though, (I tested it about 10 times on a group 20+ raiders spawned with console, with BM perk rank 1-4, luck 10, on different difficulties: casual and very hard):


RANGED weapons:
- bloody mess seems to work (more or less) correctly with ranged weapons - especially the rank 4 clearly works



- head seems to explode correctly when making a killing blow [in vats or outside vats]

- most of the time enemies just die without any dismemberment

- killing blow performed with [Alt] attack (strong attack outside vats) creates a finisher without bloody mess effect - here lies the proof that the BM perk is somehow broken for me. The best example is the "Ripper" melee weapon. If you can proc a finisher outside vats with Ripper (with ALT attack), during the finisher animation enemy should explode in bloody mess, yet he/she just dies normally 'in one piece'.


I played fallout 4 shortly after official launch (when there was no dlcs available) with some basic mods and back then BM worked correctly - I was able to dismember opponents with Ripper during its finishers. After a long break I've come back to fallout and installed all dlcs and quite a big amount of mods (about 43). So the above mentioned problem with BM perk could be caused either by vanilla dlcs and patches or by player mods. I've tried disabling all mods and launched fallout with only dlcs available - but the problem was still present. I guess if it was really caused by some mod the only way to fix it would be a complete wipe of fallout 4 and nmm and fresh installation of everything. I'm not very fond of the idea. That is way I would like to ask anyone to check the BM perk with melee/unarmed weapon on his/her end. The best way to check it is to perform finishers with Ripper - please tell me whether your human enemies explode or not. I'm attaching a screenshot to visualize my problem.


Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/kd6SxwZ.jpg



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Haven't got a clue amigo... I don't use that perk and still got exploding heads once in a wee while. When you think it's a mod that cause the issue, then check what mods you have that alter perks or add gore or whatever.


Also, it could be a simple lag issue, caused by a GPU which either isn't strong enough to run your modded game, or because of not enough V-RAM (FO4 with all DLC and the updates that came with those has turned into a real V-RAM monster, ging as high as a use of 10 to 12GB, causing all kinds of stuttering, lag and even CTD).


All I can advise is to have a look at ENBoost, which makes it possible for the game to use system RAM as V-RAM (if you have enough system RAM, that is...)


Just take your time before jumping into unknown waters. Your glitch isn't life threatening and only a visible malfunction which doesn't break the game or causes crashes, so, before calling-in the bomb-squad make sure you don't do anything that you may regret afterwards (using ENBoost doesn't harm your game in any way, I must add)...

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