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Addendum to my previous post


I figure combat wise they'd be similar to Khajiit? Small unarmed bonus etc, nighteye would make sense as well, or something similar.


I think they wouldnt be as sneaky as Khajiit though. Atleast they're never portrayed that way.


Bonus in two handed weapons maybe? Heavy armor too?

Edited by brodinlolus
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is project still going because i almost can't wait to try it


if i had any modding potential then i would have created with some friends

but heck idk how to use any modding programs or 3D editor programs :confused:

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  On 12/7/2011 at 2:32 PM, 'Pyrothraxus MoonStar' said:

'Please don't bump this thread if there isn't any interest for it.'


Seems to be a lot of interest. Sorry if you're a hater.

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  On 6/2/2013 at 7:27 PM, MrSkaal said:


  On 12/7/2011 at 2:32 PM, 'Pyrothraxus MoonStar' said:

'Please don't bump this thread if there isn't any interest for it.'


Seems to be a lot of interest. Sorry if you're a hater.

Careful there. Calling BeakieHelmet a 'hater' of Sergals would be like claiming Mick39, their inventor, wouldn't know anything about them.

Just read this post and you'll know why. It's better not to jump to such conclusions too quickly around here.


It was just that Pyrothraxus created this topic to gain interest in the idea, then BeakieHelmet joined, of course, to support the notion. Several days later nobody else but those two had even posted in here, so Pyrothraxus' repeating of his fondness of the idea, without adding anything else to the discussion but what was already stated before, could only be seen as 'bumping' by BeakieHelmet. And as the supporter of this race and the idea to get it into Skyrim he is, rightfully reminded Pyrothraxus not to needlessly bump the topic, as this will only harm the project more than it will help around here. And just to finish it off, the 'interest' you're talking off wasn't there at the time the post you quoted was made. It was only the two for quite some time, and only then it finally gained its momentum.


As for me, I'm a supporter of the 'Sergals in Skyrim' idea myself as well, although I know almost nothing about them. They aren't exactly dragons, my primary interest, but I'm still rather fascinated by their unique appearance, ever since I first saw them browsing on deviantArt and FurAffinity. They'd certainly be the 2nd or 3rd custom race project of mine, after my dragons, if I still had the free time to proceed with even one of them! Alas, I don't, and as such I can't be of much help with this. Still doesn't mean I'm not looking forward to this project's advances.


tl;dr: Calling BeakieHelmet of all people a 'hater' was uncalled for and missed the target by several miles... and it doesn't help the topic the least bit... well, apart from bumping it... vicious circle...

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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  • 5 weeks later...

Btw in extensive weapons they also have glaives, spears and halberds.
which I read the sergals use those, the only thing is the animations are still the normal two-handed weapon animations by default.

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