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Vault 88 how-to


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I've started the Vault 88 quest and am slowly building up the place. I wish there was a tutorial or something like that that covers the basics of vault building because what we have isn't instinctive and there's a heck of a lot of frustration ("why won't you snap into place??!! Arghh!!!") and trial & error.

I know there a youtube videos out there, and I've viewed quite a few but they are scattered and sometimes overly long. And sometimes the author was himself doing it by trial & error.


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atrium parts snapping to generic room parts --- use those parts to seed specialty rooms then change the seed to the specialty


its simply a bad overall design


most specialty rooms will snap to interior doors - and certainly to "bridge parts"



btw contrary to intuition, atrium floors don't snap to room pieces because room pieces come with and need roof parts.

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