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Anyone Disappointed With The Lack Of Creatures?


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Well I am unhappy. The reason being is in oblivion, our characters ( or the ones we would be fighting ) seemed to be split into 3 groups: Magic, Weapons or Both. And as a character in oblivion who was heavily based on magic, if I ran into group 2 I had to change my entire strategy. I tried magic in this one, but due to the fact they took out 90 percent of spells in this one, and made conjuration just 1 or 2 damn things, it was irrelevant and after about level 10, I pulled out a sword and went to town. This is my plea to get someone to start on a monster mod of some sort!!! (btw I read all your rants)
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Just saying, bears and even snow wolves/cats are pretty hard on the lower levels on master. Never gonna forget how I killed my first bear by luring it somewhere it got stuck between rocks, and then shooting arrows at it nonstop for at least 5 minutes. Thought the damn thing was a Boss. And when your character becomes godlike at later levels, you don't really want to die to random animals all the time, right? I mean the unlimited level scaling was one of the main complaints about Oblivion, and if random animals could kill the most powerful legendary warrior of an era, living in that place would be truly impossible for normal people... Then again, what kind of stupid wolf attacks someone in heavy armor, even if it's just iron?


Edit: fully agree on annoying draugr, they used to be cool and even a little bit rare in bloodmoon... Speaking of Bloodmoon, I met like two hostile werewolves in Skyrim, so yeah, some enemy types (and werewolves really are different from other enemies) get totally drowned out.

Edited by QDX2000
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  • 2 years later...

There's about 30 different monster types in both Oblivion and Skyrim.

The reason we know what we will encounter in Skyrim is because monsters are placed more logically than they were in Oblivion and their appearance are not determined by our level.

Edited by Caithe
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well... at least we don't have cliff racers :D *get's shot*





I guess they had to go SOMEWHERE after Juib drove them from Vardenfell and the rest of Morrowind exploded.


As for the creatures in general... Skyrim and Oblivion have roughly the same number of creature types, and if i recall my break-down of specific variations on each type, Skyrim in fact has more creatures. The illusion that it has less, however, stems from the fact that Skyrim doesn't use the god awful total-leveled system of Oblivion.


As Caithe stated, Skyrim's creatures are placed in areas where they would logically be. You aren't going to run into a Mudcrab halfway up a mountain unless there's water, and you aren't going to find Draugr and Daedra wandering the countryside.


There are some problems with balance, i will admit, but it's not as bad as some are making it out to be. In the Vanilla game, on higher difficulties, if you're playing a physical character and run into mages you DO have to change your approach. Frost Mages in particular. I've actually found that this effect becomes less noticeable when using either SkyRe or Requiem... The problem here is, aside from Dragon Priests, there aren't many magical creatures in Skyrim. It's mostly humanoid enemies.

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There's about 30 different monster types in both Oblivion and Skyrim.

The reason we know what we will encounter in Skyrim is because monsters are placed more logically than they were in Oblivion and their appearance are not determined by our level.



well... at least we don't have cliff racers :D *get's shot*




Well... how about that. Thanks for this, gonna try it out... but if they swarm unceasingly i'll have to remove it.

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