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Looking for a Follower Voice Actress


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Hi there,


Now this is going to be a longer post... please pardon me in advance. But what I'm basically looking for is a voice actress - just as the title would suggest.


Going into detail now: please let me start my insignificant tale where it just began.


I uploaded a certain follower mod a while ago. Unfortunately, it contained an armor piece from a certain user who's been banned from the Nexus permanently. This isn't allowed by the general rules as it seems, I didn't know that. In addition, the mod featured voice files made with the very excellent IVONA text to speech engine (female voice: Salli), but I failed to recognize that you'd have to actually own a fully commercial license to distribute such files publicly, even if they're not monetized in any way. As a consequence, the mod was pulled by a moderator for the time being.


So right now I am facing two problems at once:


1. Looking for another suitable outfit from a user who isn't banned. (already managed to work that out - check)

2. Finding a replacement for the character's voice.


Please don't worry about the outfit thingy. I've already got that covered, as I just said.


Now to the point where I'm in dire need of a voice actress.


This follower mod is meant to be something unique. I'm very passionate about pretty much everything I do - go full hog, no matter what it takes, or don't try at all - so I'm having plans to implement multiple quests, dungeons (or at least some kind of a "mega dungeon" which would be larger than average, because I really thoroughly enjoy world building and like getting creative with that) and various interactions for the player to keep your excitement up. So, it's definitely going to be a project which would be pretty time consuming. For that reason, please don't expect it to be finished within the next couple of months or so (a potential VA would have to keep that in mind). It's just that I don't want to let this whole thing "die" only because I ran into a few issues, so I'm starting to look for a solution now - better safe than sorry. Another time might be too late.


Some facts about the character you would get to voice:

- Female (mostly emotionless, in some rare situations a little bit more aggressive, very awkward kind of "humor")

- Mid 20s of age (please refer to the "IVONA Salli" voice if you'd like to know how the original follower sounded; there's websites available with free online demos to listen to)

- The character is lore-unfriendly. She's in fact an artificial person (i.e. a very advanced mixture of human and machine).

- While her own lore doesn't really fit into the whole picture of Skyrim's history, it does reference many games, movies and stuff in general. She's meant to be "fourth wall" breaking.

- Your voice would have to sound kind of monotonuous / robotic to a certain extent (don't worry about special effects, I can add them afterwards).

- If you actually disregard all of the above and put your own spin on it, that'd be super awesome - as long as it goes in line with the character being a female synthetic.


That's basically all there is to it. Other than that, you'd have the joy of being part of a project that is everything but aiming to be yet another "cookie cutter" / plastic personality companion.


(Even though that last bit might sound ironic, because she IS artificial after all... lol. Never mind)


If you've got any questions, comments or concerns (about the character, environment, overall progress of the mod, etc) I'd gladly answer them via PM.


Thanks for your patience.

Edited by ThraxxMedia
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