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Is the game made for over 30?


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The more I play over 30, the more I realize that with the exception of like 5 to 10 enemies, most just dont scale well. I know for sure Giants dont scale, they used to be horrible to fight pre 20, but now at 30 I get hit harder by bandit chiefs and Daurger DreadLords. What do you guys think?
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I wonder when game developers realize that "harder enemies" and "increased difficulty" comes from smarter AI, not increased HP, Damage and insane spells/abilities.



On the toughest difficulty, those restless draugr's have some disarm ability... I had to kite around the room with my fists, as i looked for my sword for about 10 minutes, and I never found the dagger. This could have been great, if the Draugr actually wasn't retarded and kept walking scripted paths up the stairs, down the stairs etc. I could just jump up and down slopes, never really being in any danger. The AI does not seem able to take "short cuts", and no climbing is duly missed in this game.

Edited by Sabatasso
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Never understood why undead enemies run away when you get them low on life, I mean after all they are DEAD. Yeah they need to improve the dragon AI big time, dunno how many fights I got into with a dragon when they had me low life, they just jump in the air and attack something else.
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