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about ram usage patch


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hi I'm just wandering how to break 2gb ram cap. I did crash fix memory patch and tested it with 100 npcs and 10 dragons while monitoring. vram reachs over 2gb(i have 3gb ddr5) but ram, never go up to 2050mb. (I have 8gb) I expect no fps drop with using over 3gb ram. I just found the mod named 'ram limit remover'. should it be helpful for me? or using enboost rather than crash fix fix patch woukd be helpful?

gpu usage seems at most under 90%. cpu under 50% always.

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Making Skyrim reach 2gig of ram doesn't have any sense.... Do you need a pool to contain the amount of water contained in a bucket? I don't think so....


And what memory patch are you using anyway?

Edited by Project579
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Making Skyrim reach 2gig of ram doesn't have any sense.... Do you need a pool to contain the amount of water contained in a bucket? I don't think so....


And what memory patch are you using anyway?

I did some steps that changing useallocate=0 to 1 and etc. dont know what its called. and added file named dxd9_42.dll.


and additional question: does this job I did compatiable with ini editing from enb installing? (Ill install real vision enb)

Edited by ckhong87
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There is a ram limit on skyrim but it gets removed when using crash fixes UseOSAllocators=1. What that application does is remove the 1gig limit on 32-bit applications and bringing it to the 3gig; That application just launches the game with /LARGEADDRESSAWARE parameter it doesn't work if the application wasn't compiled to support it (64-bit compilers normally support this parameter differently 32-bit ones normally don't). Link from Microsoft Visual C++ instructions: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/wz223b1z.aspx

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