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Can you recommend some mods for me


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Hello everyone i havent been able to even enjoy oblivion for the longest time. Just did a fresh install and updated my game to 1.2.0416 english. I'm looking for some nice mods to add in. I dont have any expansions. Looking for a house mod, monsters,companions, items. If anyone cares to share their setup of mods pls do so. thanks.
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This mod does prettymuch everything (except houses and conpanions) but is a good start point and has detailed instructions for the install.


Try getting the Qarl texture packs (should be links from that site) to make it look a little nicer.


Then head over HERE search away and add all the little things you want until your hearts content.


Enjoy. :thumbsup:

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Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul is a must for me. Everyone I've convinced to try it has said it makes the game much more enjoyable.


Also, Midas Magic Spells is one of my favorites. Adds a TON of great spells.


I've used Deadly Reflexes and have mixed feelings. It helps add viability to a 1h + shield over a 2h weapon, but sometimes I feel that enemies flipping and jumping all over takes away some of the immersion.


Also, if you have the PC power:

Get all the LOD fixes

Qarl's Textures

Better Grass Tiling





House mod - Look up Armor Lab. Adds nice stuff to all houses u can buy

Items - I just use OOO and the leveled quest item

Monsters - OOO. I tried MMM and was diapointed

Companion - Cheydinal Pet shop. Dogs > People IMO

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Hello everyone i havent been able to even enjoy oblivion for the longest time. Just did a fresh install and updated my game to 1.2.0416 english. I'm looking for some nice mods to add in. I dont have any expansions. Looking for a house mod, monsters,companions, items. If anyone cares to share their setup of mods pls do so. thanks.

My first to use & favorite bag of holding http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/search.php plain & simple.

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