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Oblivion Crash at Win7... WTF??


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At some time i've been playing TES:IV at my laptop that's holding Vista... It works fine though i must play it with low graphics...


at my desktop i have it with Win7... at first time it worked extremely great with MAXed graphics... Some time later (maybe 1 - 2 weeks) the game crashes when showing the Bethesda Softworks... what the hell happened?? i just can't figure it out... any thing you may need to know plz ask me! i'll tell everything to have it running again ='(

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More information is required. Did you install to the default location (i.e. is the game installed in C:\Program Files)? Have you installed any mods between when it worked and when it doesn't? Have you updated any drivers or DirectX? Have you installed any codec paks (may have been installed with a music or media player)?


A working game installation won't self destruct. We need to figure out what changed to cause this.

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More details is a must.


We must know if you have recently been playing with mods (mods can conflict and cause it to crash or have dirt in them to cause Oblivion to crash) and your setup.


I found turning off V.Sync generally smoothness and prevents crashes from reoccurring often.

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fast explaining it... i even deleted all mods, re-installed it and put it vanilla (no OBSE no 1.2v patches)... i've deleted EVERYTHING... nothing happened... just kept malfunctioning...


and no, i've not made any update to drivers, since my desktop is new... (i've bought it, started playing, and then puff!)

yes, it is installed at the default location.

the codec pack i've got was installed BEFORE installing TES:IV... i assure you...




how can i change the v-sync option outside the game? at the *ini?

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I mention the code paks because they are known to cause problems with the game (even if they were installed before you installed the game), not because I thought they were necessarily your problem.


Here's a link to Bben46's Oblivion reinstall procedure. Your problem right now could very well be caused by an improperly uninstalled game (left over registry entries can mess up your reinstall, so don't neglect the part about running a registry cleaner). If you are using the Steam version of the game don't miss the link at the end of this line (I've expanded the link text to make it easier to find):

If you are still having problems after following the reinstall procedure we can troubleshoot whether or not your codec paks are causing a problem ... no need to do anything with them at this point. Get the game cleanly out of the UAC 'protected' C:\Program Files first.

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Like some people already mentioned, installing the game somewhere else like C:\Games might help. I had some problems with closing the game when I had Windows 7 installed and changing the installation location helped. :turned: Edited by Naktis
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other then the above have you changed anything about your system ?

have you installed any new hard or software ?

updated anything ?

at times a new update or driver for key hardware ( video audio ) can actually break a game i have had a few times where a game would refuse to work with a specific driver

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