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How much would you have paid if?


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"No if's, no buts, not candy or nuts... Boy what a party we'd have!"


A saying my 4th grade teacher used to say rofl... Wish in one hand, s#*! in the other... Nevertheless this thread begins...


I spent a few bucks (35?) on this game on sale but spent THOUSAND of MF hours trying to mod it. THOUSANDS!!!! WTF?


I know there's no if or butts, but the thing is... IF i could go back... I'D NEVER NEVER NEVER buy Skyrim again (haven't and will not buy another bethesda game since Skyrim). Reason being that I've spent thousands of hours trying to mod Skyrim and fken fail every time in the end. I'm so pissed (yet trying to be respectful in all Ernesty).


I would have rather spent hundreds of dollars having someone make this game work for me than to have spent thousands of hours WASTED on this BS.


How much would you have spent? I'd much rather have spent a few hundred bucks than to have spent THOUSANDS of hourse of my life. I would LOVE to be able to buy a premade setup of Skyrim that actually works rather than waste my goddam life.


I did not buy fallout4 and will not buy another bethesda game because of this waste of time.


You will find me contributing to many threads and being a very positive member of this community for the most part. This post is an attempt at honestly expressing my sincere frustration towards Skyrim and suggesting compliations be made/sold.


Much love

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Yeah no to the compilations. Long story as to why and someone else can do it better then me anyways.


I myself have never purchased a bethesda game. (okay i bought skyrim from gamestop but returned it 3 days later) the only reason i own beth games is because my friends keep giving them to me. Right now i have 3 FO3 games, 4 FoNV games, 2 Morrowind games, 2 Oblivion games, 5 Skyrim games (had 17 at one point) and i have 2 FO4 games (had 6 up till recently). I enjoy the games though but Skyrim is pretty aweful without mods.


Though now i can install and mod Skyrim in a day. I can post my install guide for you if you want. It's pretty bare bones at the moment though but i can get it fleshed out more as i need to reinstall my game anyways.


Though if i was to buy Skyrim i wouldnt spend more then 10 bucks on it. Really it is a game to buy during a Steam sale.

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Yeah no to the compilations. Long story as to why and someone else can do it better then me anyways.

Yeah, someone else can do it better than me as well although I've tried hard and not been lazy. Thus the willingness to pay and frustration enough to quit this crap forever.


Yes, I agree Skyrim isn't worth more than ten bucks as is. However, I'd have payed much to have skiped the THOUSANDS of hours I spent trying to make it a worth while game.


That aside, I'd be happy to check out a guide if you have it. You can see what mods interest me by checking out my sig links.


Next I will try only using lighting mods and ENB for graphics and the minimum for difficulty mods.


All I want is a Skyrim game that has superb night and day (dark nights needing torches etc) and great difficutly and gameplay. Frostfall and RND are necessary for me as is hunterborn/campfire. Sperg is also necessary for me as is at least a few others such as High Level enemies and Vigor.


I'd pay for such because time is money and damn i spent way too much time on this.


Despite being fried to the max, I'm willing to look at your guide and dedicate another dozen hours to trying it out.

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Legendary Edition for 13$ was worth it. I would pay 10 just to play Enderal. The only reason I think full price is a no go, is this ancient engine. Even with 64bit version there will be a lot of limitations and performance hampering design choices. Textures can be always swapped, NPC pathfinding and environment awareness framework not so much.



I spent a few bucks (35?) on this game on sale but spent THOUSAND of MF hours trying to mod it. THOUSANDS!!!! WTF?


I know there's no if or butts, but the thing is... IF i could go back... I'D NEVER NEVER NEVER buy Skyrim again (haven't and will not buy another bethesda game since Skyrim). Reason being that I've spent thousands of hours trying to mod Skyrim and fken fail every time in the end. I'm so pissed (yet trying to be respectful in all Ernesty).


I would have rather spent hundreds of dollars having someone make this game work for me than to have spent thousands of hours WASTED on this BS.


How much would you have spent? I'd much rather have spent a few hundred bucks than to have spent THOUSANDS of hourse of my life. I would LOVE to be able to buy a premade setup of Skyrim that actually works rather than waste my goddam life.


It's weird that you're saying this while advertising a modding guide in your sig.


I actually enjoy the process of modding as much as playing and I know there are others like me here on nexus. Not being able to mix and match any of the mods would be boring.

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Next I will try only using lighting mods and ENB for graphics and the minimum for difficulty mods.


All I want is a Skyrim game that has superb night and day (dark nights needing torches etc) and great difficutly and gameplay. Frostfall and RND are necessary for me as is hunterborn/campfire. Sperg is also necessary for me as is at least a few others such as High Level enemies and Vigor.


I'd pay for such because time is money and damn i spent way too much time on this.


Despite being fried to the max, I'm willing to look at your guide and dedicate another dozen hours to trying it out.



I think your problems might be related to SPERG. It hasn't been updated in a long while and there is quite few bug reports on the mod page. You might be better off looking for mods editing individual skill trees.


I highly suggest Wildcat combat mod. You could say it's Vigors sibling.


Combat mods I'm currently using:



I have personally steer away from "heavy" combat modifications in favor of much better and simpler lightweight solutions that have been released recently.


tktk Dodge 2.0 ~ After the update the script is much more responsive. Roll forward animation has been added.

tktk HitStop ~ Gives you better imput on successful strikes.\

tktk Ultimate Dragons 2.0 ~ If you liked Monster Hunter series, you will love the new Dragon behaviors. I have ditched DCO mod (and haven't looked back) after being forced to fight against mid air target for 90% of the fight. It still might be a good option for you, if you don't mind it.

Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim ~ Much better solution than buggy locational damage. With different side effects attached to wound system (tripping on leg injury, etc) it encourages you to not take chances with getting hit in critical areas (brute forcing your character through the fight with 10hp left and eating 100 cheese wheels mid combat).

Attack Commitment No turning during attacks

Better Jumping by meh321 ~ For uninterupted Sprint to Jump animations and more realistic jump distance (you can configure it in .ini file). SKSE .dll plugin, does not take space in your load order.

or Athletics Training - with MCM by Volek ~ If you don't mind scripts.

Duke Patricks - Skyrim Friction Fix II ~ Prevents actors from sliding from rocks and mountains, also disables Skyrim Space Program funded by Giants.

Combat Behavior Improved by Moljka ~ Removes movement restriction on block animation. Compatible with latest version of FNIS.

Kick Bash by evanoblivion + Forceful Bash by Borjoyzee with Realistic Ragdolls and Force ~~~ Video (NPCs will also perform it)

Follow Me and Swim After Me by Tonycubed2 - Sands of Time Team

Realistic Humanoid Movement Speed by brump

Archery Gameplay Overhaul ~ Mostly for the new immersive animations.

Skyrim - Enhanced Camera by LogicDragon ~ For first person mesh compability with custom animations. Also forces realistic physics/perspective in 1st person on being knocked to the ground or ragdolling after death. Plus you can see yourself carring your weapon when you look down.

D13 Faster GET UP STAND UP animation ~ You don't want to spend most of your time on the ground being stomped.

Get Out Of My Way by Volek ~ When NPCs don't move away fast enough. Also works with Highwayman initial dialogue.




Combat Evolved ~ Changes Wildcats's enemy attack patterns and can be loaded after it without loosing wound system.



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It's weird that you're saying this while advertising a modding guide in your sig.


I actually enjoy the process of modding as much as playing and I know there are others like me here on nexus. Not being able to mix and match any of the mods would be boring.


Yeah I can see that could seem weird. It's not a guide I wrote but I should probably remove it from my sig at this point since some of the mods on there are on the dangerous mods list. I don't use the ones on the dangerous mod list and I try to follow step as best as I can. Perhaps SPERG should be added to the dangerous mods list.


I will try again using the mods you are recommending. Going to try to keep it real simple. I've got a killer computer but I'm not going to install much graphics mods or anything.




EDIT: BTW Athletics Training is on the dangerous mod list for the fact it uses constant scripts.

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"No if's, no buts, not candy or nuts... Boy what a party we'd have!"


A saying my 4th grade teacher used to say rofl... Wish in one hand, s*** in the other... Nevertheless this thread begins...


I spent a few bucks (35?) on this game on sale but spent THOUSAND of MF hours trying to mod it. THOUSANDS!!!! WTF?


I know there's no if or butts, but the thing is... IF i could go back... I'D NEVER NEVER NEVER buy Skyrim again (haven't and will not buy another bethesda game since Skyrim). Reason being that I've spent thousands of hours trying to mod Skyrim and fken fail every time in the end. I'm so pissed (yet trying to be respectful in all Ernesty).


I would have rather spent hundreds of dollars having someone make this game work for me than to have spent thousands of hours WASTED on this BS.


How much would you have spent? I'd much rather have spent a few hundred bucks than to have spent THOUSANDS of hourse of my life. I would LOVE to be able to buy a premade setup of Skyrim that actually works rather than waste my goddam life.


I did not buy fallout4 and will not buy another bethesda game because of this waste of time.


You will find me contributing to many threads and being a very positive member of this community for the most part. This post is an attempt at honestly expressing my sincere frustration towards Skyrim and suggesting compliations be made/sold.


Much love


Some might disgaree but modding skyrim really isnt that hard.


There are a TON of amazing resources on it now and if you wasted 1000 hours and cant get an enjoyable modded experience its likely due to your own ignorance.


Ive spent probably a good thousand hours modding alone as well not because of ctds or anything but just because i have restart cause im bored and addicted to modding syndrome. Ive used majority of overhauls and graphics mods on the nexus.


If there were a membership fee or something to access skyrim mods......i would pay it without thinking twice.


But for just the game without mods.....its not worth more than 20 bucks in todays market.

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Legendary Edition for 13$ was worth it. I would pay 10 just to play Enderal. The only reason I think full price is a no go, is this ancient engine. Even with 64bit version there will be a lot of limitations and performance hampering design choices. Textures can be always swapped, NPC pathfinding and environment awareness framework not so much.



I spent a few bucks (35?) on this game on sale but spent THOUSAND of MF hours trying to mod it. THOUSANDS!!!! WTF?


I know there's no if or butts, but the thing is... IF i could go back... I'D NEVER NEVER NEVER buy Skyrim again (haven't and will not buy another bethesda game since Skyrim). Reason being that I've spent thousands of hours trying to mod Skyrim and fken fail every time in the end. I'm so pissed (yet trying to be respectful in all Ernesty).


I would have rather spent hundreds of dollars having someone make this game work for me than to have spent thousands of hours WASTED on this BS.


How much would you have spent? I'd much rather have spent a few hundred bucks than to have spent THOUSANDS of hourse of my life. I would LOVE to be able to buy a premade setup of Skyrim that actually works rather than waste my goddam life.


It's weird that you're saying this while advertising a modding guide in your sig.


I actually enjoy the process of modding as much as playing and I know there are others like me here on nexus. Not being able to mix and match any of the mods would be boring.



Same here. I have spent easily a thousand hours modding because its a hobby.


Getting a playable modded skyrim is NOT hard.

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I think I payed like 40 bucks for the platform (base game that has dlc's meaning unmodded) on steam if I recall Then built and customized my game with mods so it was fully enjoyable setting my own mechanics, introducing new elements into the world make appearances good, and getting it all to work to my satisfaction.


Probably somewhat differently than my last playthrough with many false starts and resources and a lot of tools.


Messing with there skeletons and animations, skin hair eyes, teeth. It took me a week of hours a day to get it running. It always dose. My playthroughs are every six months, and its totally worth it.


You see there is always some new thing or feature that may be fun to try each time, new tools to work with, new followers and content, new things possible and imagined favorite things revisited and looked it in different ways. No playthrough is the same. There is a lot you can do.


My game mostly dose not play by even the standard rules of the vanila game, ''or base legendary'' I find whats wrong, what never should have been and augment it. I see what should have been added and add it. So i cant complain.


I also write out my own walkthrough each time as a rough draft of what i intend to do, and take notes in game.


Skyrim is 100% amazing or can be, but unmodified and I mean above 200 active, and I would stop playing in about a afternoon.


The reason is because everything is ugly and frustrating, by design, dead ends from normal gameplay for some things...like quest givers dying, idiot townsfolk trying to fight dragons, and too many limitations in player choice. Horrible respawn rate, i could go on for 6 pages.


Still decent lore and so much potential. Mods are the other half of the game. With mods to complete it, it is great and sooth, its fun...it takes the base game, the lore and brings it to its true potential.


To answer the question directly, probably about 100 with mods as they are. Because of the potential there, to work with.

Edited by skyquest32
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