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Doc Phosphate's saloon goes dark on entry...


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Screen goes dark on entry to saloon, sound of pip-boy, background sounds but no visual. I have to C/A/D to escape the lockup. Is there a scene cut at entry that is hanging up? Once I get near the porch--blackness.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.



NVIDIA 960 w/updated drivers


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Yep, lotta mods but only one Nuka World mod-the bottle patch. I'll have to unmod & remod to find the fix. I'll update when I find the culprit.

Thanks for the response.

Lots of mods use assets from some or all of the DLC, even mods that have nothing to do with said DLC. If you have installed a mod, for example, that makes use of the doors of the saloon and somehow there's still a connection between both sets of doors, you can get into a loading loop as the game doesn't know which location you want to enter...

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