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Help - Mute Kahjit & Argonian Problem...


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Simply put, its gotta be a mod conflict, but no matter which way I go I can't figure out which one is causing the problems, so I thought I'd just list my mods and see what you guys can suggest. Hopefully I don't have to redownload everything- I did my best to make sure they were all compatible.



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Yes, I did read the title.


No, I do not read minds.


Yes, I do know how frustrating this can be. You might get lucky if some one comes along who has had the same problem and knows the solution can tell you exactly what to do, but I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for that. It happens but not very often.


Can you export the load order and then paste it into the thread. For some reason the image you posted is not legible on my monitor. (OBMM can export the load order to .rtf, pull the .rtf up in Word or WordPad then copy paste into comments field)


As load orders can be changed by mod dates (this happens all the time), I’ll need to know which mod you physically loaded last. I will assume that the voices stopped after you loaded the last mod.


Quick Check: Disable the last mod you loaded. Restart your computer, which should completely reinitialize your ram. Start Oblivion, and load an old save. If this resolves the problem then we know the last mod is conflicting with a mod already installed.


The next question is, how badly do you need that last mod. If the answer is, “I can’t live without it”, then report back with the results, and we can try to figure out which mod it is conflicting with.


Are you with me so far? :smile:

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Darkieus, I think I've got a solution for you! Until two days ago I had exactly the same problem you have, only with me it wasn't only the khajiit and the argonians who went mute. I even started a topic (Huge texture mod + MMM + OOO) but nobody replied :unsure: . Anyway, here's what I have done and what has solve my problem ( it's just perfect that you use Oblivion Mod Manager because I use that too) :


-Go to your Oblivion\Data folder. Inside this folder there are all the .esp and .esm files, and of course if you ran the archive invalidation utility of OBMM, there should be those nice Bethesda Softworks Archives (.bsa files).


-You must locate the .bsa files named "Voices1" and "Voices2" (perhaps you have only one file named "Voices", that I can not say, in my case there are those two). Once located open them (default application should be BSA browser). The content of these files are all the .lip and .mp3 files which allow Oblivion characters to "speak"


they are listed like this: sound\voice\oblivion.esm\argonian\f\whatever.xxx . instead of argonian you could have any of the other races, instead of f, you could have m for male and instead of whatever.xxx you could have any of the .mp3 or .lip files.


-Locate the folder Oblivion\Data\Sound\Voice\Oblivion.esm . This folder should contain 6 or 7 folders (one for each race + dremora in some cases)


-Now locate the one .bsa file that contains the argonian sound files and the khajiit sound files (or both, if khajiit and argonian sounds are not in the same file)


-Extract all the files (by pressing Extract all in the bsa browser) and then delete the ones you do not need. Place the files you do need inside the corresponding race folder of the folder stated two steps above.


That worked fine for me. Hope it will help you! Let me know if it does help, and otherwise we can look further into it.

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  • 3 years later...

I had this problem too...but a bigger one...Not just Kahjts and Argonians but all...I seen couple of threads about this problem.


You will probably fix it by Axagthoth's way...


There's also a chance it is caused by a different language .esp...Like I had a german hair pack esp...and it killed all the dialogues...


I hope I helped.

Edited by HaltOCarrick
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People, you are replying to a 3 year old post. If you have a problem, please start a new topic.
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