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Khajiit/Argonian refugee underground


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I had an interesting idea for a mod that might be cool if pulled off correctly. I'll try to describe it as best I can.


The mod begins with a quest from a stranger. He's a treasure hunter and wants you to join him. A reverse companion, if you will. He then leads you to some ruins and, once you reach the final chamber, turns on you. In an animation sequence similar to a certain Thieves Guild quest, he stabs you and leaves you dying on the floor after looting your stuff. As the screen fades to black, you hear a Khajiit and Argonian say lines based on race.


(Player is a Khajiit/Argonian:) They will sadly proclaim that (s)he is another victim of such mindless violence toward our kind and to quickly bring him/her to the sanctuary, there isn't much time.


(Player is a Nord or High Elf) Arguments regarding "we can't just leave him/her here to die, nobody deserves that." and (for Altmer) "might be Thalmor scum."


The player then wakes up in the bedroom of a shack. A female Khajiit enters and says she's glad you're awake, her husband was in a scouting party that found you on the brink of death. She took you in and cared for you. Again, she will say something about your race. She will then offer the player food and clothes, it's not much, but it's all they have. The player's inventory has been cleared* (wearing only a new apparel called "bloody bandages:" a bandage wrapped around the chest) and (s)he is given basic cloths and bread. It would be interesting to see a few "empty healing potions" next to the bed and an option to repay for them.


The player emerges from the shack (depending on the player, after offering to repay for the kindness) and finds him/herself in a massive underground cavern. Think Blackreach but packed with tents and shanties. It's an entire town built to shelter the unwanted and the abused. It's made up of Khajiits, Argonians, Dunmer, and any other refugee. It also serves as a home base for Khajiit caravans and has a fairly impressive "foreign" market at its center. Since you lost all of your items you have to obtain unique or basic local gear through quests.


Quests could involve:

Assisting the caravans (finding goods, providing protection on the road).

Helping out "citizens" in need.

Something involving rescuing someone's captive brother/sister/husband/wife or freeing a slave.

Something involving skooma or thievery.

*Hunting down the person that left you for dead, recovering your stuff from a chest in his home.

Joining the town watch and defending the town from a Thalmor prisoner-hunting party/bandits/slavers/racist Nords.

A safe haven for players with bounties, possibly a man who can make any bounty disappear... for the right price.

Plenty of shady NPCs offering poisons and other less than legal items.

Unique items of Khajiit/Argonian origin.

A player home.

An arena where you can bet on animal fights.


Other ideas in the replies:

A rift between Argonians and Dunmer in which the player could chose a side.

A flooded section of cave inhabited by Argonians with the possibility of a smuggled Hist.

Threat of Falmer attack


So many more possibilities I can't think of.


The entrance could be a series of caves and guard posts hidden behind a waterfall tucked away in a mountain valley.


Shadowgreen Cavern is an excellent example of how I'd like it to look.


This is all just a rough idea so I figured it would be interesting to discuss. Of cource, I know the chances of this coming to fruition is slim to none, but that doesn't mean we can't theorize. Don't think I'm offering to make this myself, either. I have zero competence with computers, dragging and dropping a mod file to its proper folder is the extent of my knowledge. :tongue: I'd be willing to help with the writing, though.

Edited by Spl1nt3rC3ll
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I would definitely like a mod like this. This has quite a bit of potential. You could also provide new companions through the concept.


If memory serves, there was a Necromancy-related mod for Oblivion that used all Vanilla assets (except voices, I think?) and had an entire new underground city. Reading about this reminded me of that. It's certainly possible to do, given the right amount of devotion from modders.

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Wish I had a PC capable of playing Skyrim, the mods for this game are probably going to be amazing.


Having no experience with mod building, how difficult are quest intensive mods like these? I'd imagine dialog, A.I pathing, etc would be difficult.


If I had any competence with computers I'd make quite a few mods. :tongue:

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