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Vampirism, Not Cannibalism...


~The Vampires of Skyrim~  

96 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your opinion?

    • I disagree - Vampires in Skyrim are perfect as they are.
    • Vampires in Skyrim are fine.
    • I agree - Vampires in Skyrim are depraved creatures.
    • I strongly agree - A mod should be made to revamp them.

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One thing is for sure, there are no sparkle-pires.


The lore I've always preferred is Whitewolf's vampire lore. It actually accounts for historical events, how vampires have survived and stayed hidden through history and today. It also accounts for many different types of vampires via different clans. Some clans more evil than others, some clans more hideous. They also refer to the inner desire to feed and destroy as the "beast" and while some vampires embrace it and go feral much like the ones in Skyrim, some others strive to retain their humanity.


Definitely worth checking out if anyone hasn't.

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Cheers for that insight bben, when i wrote the original post it was merely from my narrow perspective on them (no im not a little twilight prostitute, that s*** disguists me) however, after taking into account this enlightenment on the true lore of vampires I can see how very wrong i was. Nevertheless, I still believe that a revamp as such would make a great addition to the game. Each to his own :sweat: Edited by TheSuey
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From what I remember, not all vampires in Tamriel were created equal. Immortal Blood listed a plethora of different and very monstrous types before getting to the vampires we are familiar with in Oblivion. Besides, what do you expect from a monster created from the loins of Molag Bal? Edited by justwannaddl
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so basically you want metro-sexual C.K. Models as vampires. QQing about while drinking blood from a sippy cup?


Honestly you need to watch the ANIME Hellsing then if you don't think vampires rip people apart while feeding on them.


Look at it this way.


You can drink Orange Juice,... or you can eat an orange....


You can drink a humans blood,..... ORRRRRRRRR. get ready...... YOU CAN .... yep!... eat a human... Ka-POW ( head explode :hurr: )

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Ok then, how about instead of removing the cannibalism aspect (that is what it is as they are essentially eating their own race) take the best of each and mash them together. A combination of savagery and regal persona, living in comfort whilst the dying languish below in the dungeons, the next meal of the day. I believe that the vampires would benefit greatly from some form of change in perception, at the moment they just wear bland robes with nothing but the name tag above their head to distinguish rank or power. Master vampires should hold some level of regality about them such as in my original post and underlings could wear progressively less elaborate but still distinguishing clothing and quarters.



tl;dr Distinguishable rank based on clothing and quarters to alter the perception of vampires from savage beasts into powerful masters of ... whatever :tongue:

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Maybe there are the "Noble Vampires" in Skyrim, and they just blend in too well?


:facepalm: ......... :armscrossed: ....... :unsure: .................... :psyduck: ................. o_O .................. :sick: ................ *BRAINSPLOSION*




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I'd love to volounter my voice incase someone intends to create characters for a mod involving vampires.


Now, to my opinion:

Vampires in skyrim are to weak, seriusly.

I expected strength and speed, and I got none.



A "shout" classified ability with name similar to: "Blood" "Sanguine rush" "Blood awakening"

What it does is increasing your speed and strength (Your meele punches does huge dmg for example)

-Add an animation where you can rip the enemy apart with hands


Now, however: If you activate it during broad daylight you become a flaming ball of flesh.

However, if you activate it during daynight, when its dark and tough to see, they will comment on how they are getting old (If their characters are old) or (if their kids) "Awesome! Teach me that too!" (they wanna be fast)


Simple fixes without need to do much:

Whiter skin, sharper teeth (fang?)

Faster walking and running during daynight.

A buff activates during daynight which increases your str (And speed)

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I haven't experienced vampirism yet, but from what I hear, I like the brutal approach they've taken, vampires are meant to be monsters just like werewolves.


i completly agree with you there BUT

if the vampires are more brutal shouldt they gain the abilities to enforce that?


what i mean is this:

-where is the brutality of beinjg sneaky and casting illusion spells?

-if ,as said in another post, the vampires envaded and slaughtered an entire fortress you would think they would have some serious maagical or physical strength ( personaly i think werewolf furfills pghysical so vampires should get a major magic ability boost )

-they gain a destruction spell that is slightly underpowered, at the very least the spell should be transfered to illusion where they get a bonus or the bonus should be transferred to destruction.

-oblivion vampires gained a significant boost to every stat ( granted that got a bit OP when combined with the bonuses from oblvion shrouded armor )

-i also agree with another previous post about the cloaks being able to reduce effects of sunlight but maybe also give them a increace of power at night

like for example during day at level 1 you get -10 to every stat but during night its +10, during cloudy weather or dusk it is +0

for level 2 its -20 , +20 , 0

for level 3 its -30 , +30 , 0

for 4 its -40 , +40 , 0

you get the idea ( i mean vampire progression not character level just for clarification )


and the whole lack of regeneration thing should be changed a bit too

level 1 -10% ,+10% ,0

same as above table


the general idea would be to make them significantly weaker during the day but significantly stringer during the night and almost equivilant to a standard player at dusk/dawn/cloudy


feeding needs to be changed a bit but as of now i dont have many ideas , maybe an ability to beat them into submission and then feed? get them to where they say "retreat fall back i submit" and then interact and have feed option?

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