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Fallout NewEarth Factors:

One: a small majority of the strangely enlarged world's land area is uninhabited even by standard mutated flora-fauna. Only things that dwell there, in the Deadlands, are either robotic or are of extremely disturbing and exotic nature.

Two: only a few areas of civilised habitation have any 'great density' of population even by NewEarth standards. The great majority of these are in the Wastelands though there is whispered of Greenland, Doomland, Oasisland, Underland, Sealand, Atlantis and other mysterious realms.

Three: most of the inhabited areas, of NewEarth, where 'civilised peoples' exist, are only of lotech with some midtech. Hitech is only common in rare areas and supertech is only found in even rarer areas.

Lotech: candle lanterns, saddled radhorses, base steel knives, rowboats, wooden fencing, stone block walls, rope, bows and arrows, muskets, basic farming, windmills etc.

Midtech: kerosene lanterns, bolt-action rifles, improved steel, telegraphic communications, machineguns, steel body-armour, telescopes, microscopes etc.

Hitech: basic computers, 3DTV sets, more advanced electric vehicles...


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Fallout Alternates One 23.1 [29]

Partly with information gained from the 'divine garden of the Great Divinity', in the Temple District of Imperiarna, SafeVault 12-8/9 was opened; that is the first big thick blast-door. This time it led into a great big chamber that was more than just an airlock chamber though on the opposite side was another wheel-door. Also there was a horizontal type elevator vault-door in the center of the big chamber. The chamber was a museum or so it looked to be at first glance; great dome shaped display cases held three virtabirds, a dozen robots, three cars, three boats, three hovercraft, three motorbikes, a dozen types of power armour not being all military, three space machines, a dozen life like mannequins with different PreDoomsday gear, artworks, domestic goods and more.

Sarah Lyons led the first group to go through the great chamber. The items, in the display domes, were not accessible so there was speculation that they might be clever holographic projections. It seemed at first that everything there was also found in the Wastelands, mostly in a bad condition. There were XFIA people there, FEARIUs of different types, along with Orderhood of Steel people.

Then the first surprise find was made being an enclosed display-alcove, in a great wall, with a supermutant but also a mutagenic vat-table with a failed supermutant on it as a ugly, distorted, supermutant corpse. There were other strange machines in that alcove and even a frightened human in a cage waiting for mutagenic transformation.

In the next display-alcove were three variations of big hulking cyborgs being a robocop, a robotrooper and a roboworker. The experiment, as carried out in the city of NewDetroit, had failed except with one robocop. Before more work could progress with the project, Doomsday had rudely interrupted its possible success.

In another display-alcove there was a full GECKs (Garden of Eden Creation Kit) as thirteen big metallic cubecanisters being one golden, three silvery and nine copperish. It was a standardised GECK with no adaptations or augmentations.

Then there was a display-alcove with a shaperbeast, a shapernoid and something like a more spindly version of a shapernoid but with eight double jointed limbs along with various nasty looking extensions. It stood away from the shaperbeast and shapernoid. The oddest was a albino white, hairless, sexless human like entity that was tall and angular with no ears, no mouth and no nose but perfectly round eyes like black pools. Somehow this thing was even more disturbing than was the spindly thing. It was even further from the shaperbeast, and shapernoid, than was the eight limbed thing.

Professor Walter Bishop had muttered, to himself, when at each alcove but he went visibly pale upon seeing the last alcove. He spoke with a very grave voice. "We were such arrogant fools and William Bell led me by the nose. We were there when the first spindly thing, a spidertant, was created. They were trialled only once, against power armoured soldiers, and then destroyed; to say they were erratic, violent and grotesque in their behaviour would be to understate it. As for the palevaes, only one was created and destroyed just minutes later but only after it had sucked two scientists into empty husks, feeding on blood and liquefied flesh with amazing speed; only merciful point was that the victims seemed to feel no agony or so the monitors, linked to their bodies, indicated. They went into sudden deep shock. The shaperbeasts, and shapernoids, are powerful but peaceful. The project was ended abruptly before we could understand why the differences arose between them and the spidertants, and palevaes; yet I suspect that Bell was one of those who not only knew the truth but who deliberately caused the differences to take place. Even then, I suspect, he was going criminally insane or perhaps he always was and I was blinded by his charisma."

He went on. "Supermutants, robocops, shaperbeasts, superclones, antigravity engines, atomic rocketships... what were we not involved with? I did work on elements of the GECKs but so did many who could be considered geniuses or even super geniuses. I suggest that we move onto the next alcove."

In yet another display-alcove there stood different kinds of FEARIUs including robots and androids, each having its description, but at the end of the line up was a pale off-white humanoid figure with a glistening black webwork covering its body; this had no description except for the term 'core entity identity base'. There was also a pale off-white rounded off, elongated, pod with a black glistening webwork. It had no description at all.

The last display-alcove was seemingly empty and yet there was a powerful, subtle, impression that 'something' was there in a very alien sense of the word.

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Fallout Alternates One 24.1 [30]

A large, important meeting was taking place but somebody important was not there who sometimes attended such.

Marshal Alice Lyons spoke from her seat at the round meeting table. "The status-capsules have been moved from SafeVault 13-9/9 to a network of tunnels and chambers previously not used. This is being set up for future use as the LSComplex Status Storage Area. Further additions, and adjustments, are taking place. SafeVault 13-9/9 will be used, from now on, as a cable-teleport service area for incoming-outgoing traffic and necessary waiting storage."

"After moving the status-capsules, and associated hardware, it was found that hidden behind them were more alcoves with storage lockers and various pieces of special equipment. This included special teleportation devices making cable-teleportation more energy efficient and safer, especially for living transportation. Basically there are teleport-capsules that can be placed into the cable-teleport cubicles that then can hold who, what, ever needs to be sent. More specially power armour, for example, can be augmented to more safely, efficiently, use teleport cable network-systems."

"The biggest surprise was that the thirteen metallic doors, including the silver one that gave access to the Elder Scrolls SVR Game through SVR-capsules, have vanished. Now thirteen doors lead into thirteen general purpose utility chambers that are linked to each other through more tunnels. They are already proving to be very useful."

Walter frowned softly. "As I suspected, this complex is far more than it generally appears to be. It is an interactive, reactive, zone of some kind. I have done some calculations on the charted dimensions of the LSComplex. As far as I can tell, taking into account that it is surrounded by what appears to be a perfect sphere, it is bigger on the inside than it is on the outside. The odd double airlock type entrance-exits, that have a slight tingling sensation when used, support the idea. As for the monorail subway station, and tunnel ending in a blockage, I suspect that they are inside the LSComplex though it might seem, on the surface, not to be the case.. Beyond the blocked part of the tunnel should lie more tunnel leading to the actually LSComplex station; yet even that is not a given. The actual nature of this... environment is apparently reactive to us or at least to some of us... perhaps largely to one of us and that is Sarah Lyons. It also appears to be expanding in some hard to define fashion; the crystal caves that were outside of it are now inside of its shell so they, and their inhabitants, are now safe from the attacking forces. Other, formerly outside areas, appear to be now 'inside'."

Terry Lyons spoke. "My consultations, with the very brilliant Walter, have led to my supporting his conclusions even after powerful supercomputer network-systems were used to analyse them. Working with the same supercomputers, along with experimental smartcomputers and quasicomputers, we are attempting to create a variety of interlinking analytical and working models. From these we hope to gain general, practical, information on the LSComplex. For example, improved internal working maps and layouts."

Alice Lyons sighed. "Which leads me to news that is hard to express for more than one reason. Sarah Lyons, along with all of the FEARIUs, has vanished totally. All attempts to find her, using all means available, have failed to find a trace of her or her beloved FEARIUs. Yet the Lyons Pride Troopers seem sure somehow that everything is fine and that she will soon be found safe and sound; they do not know how they know this but they know it, apparently, with a deep certainty."

The meeting continued on wards but with an altered feel to it, which was understandable given all that had been brought forth.

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Story Zero continues as 'oversight' of all stories and story worlds.

Story One is ended!

Story Two continues!

Story Three will start after a while!

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Fallout Alternates Zero 3.1 [31]

Sarah Lyons appeared, naked and slimly voluptuous-muscular, inside a semitransparent transcrystalic capsule in the center of a formation that added up to thirteen such capsules. Around this slowly spun thirteen thirteens of such capsules with different FEARIUs in them. The great domechamber flickered with multiple rainbow energies. Thirteen times thirteen sphere-entities revolved around the capsules, around Sarah Lyons and what was 'inside' her, in ever shifting intricate patterns.

The transformed SFSS Enterprise continued to lead rescue expeditions to save JunkSlums and even spacestationships. Perhaps it was the influence of the sphere-entities or a growing, inexplicable, fear amongst peoples or both but all went quietly with the Solar Federation taskforce. Some even joined to assist in future ventures.

At the LSComplex, in Washington CC, the attacks ceased but the enemy forces where not only still in the area but had encircled a large part of the globe shaped complex. Inside efforts continued to understand the exotic nature of the LSComplex and to explore-chart it. The blockage to the monorail subway tunnel was cleared, being inside the LSComplex, and led to many subway tunnels, stations and other facilities. The subway turned out to be also made up of road, water canal and other types of tunnels. The teleport-cable, to the CCCitadel, was cut for unknown reasons but sabotage was suspected; thankfully nobody was hurt or even anything damaged as the teleport-cables were not in use at the moment of the blocking.

Power armoured, robot assisted, exotic raiders except invading from the ocean to the east; the raiders were reavers, ragers and crazers along with others types starting to appear. Their true nature, and origin, continued to be a mystery.

Swarms of crazy, aggressive, Gary and Mary clones start attacking Wastelanders close to a suspected 'lost VaultTekVault'. They were in grubby vaultsuits and boots only with only a few being armed with tools, such as spanners, as weapons. Most attacked foes too powerful for them and were quickly killed or driven off. It turned out that deathclaws appreciated fresh bloody Gary and Mary flesh but that was no surprise.

The Enclaven forces, to the north, were forced into a retreat but it is clear that, after they have licked their wounds, they would return perhaps with reinforcements.

Regulators, with allies, ambushed zetans trying to abduct a whole settlement of people and its animals; the settlement was a fake, a clever trap, and the aliens were driven of along with their robots and strange minions. Except that when a dead zetan was very carefully examined, it turned out to be a fake zetan; it was a biosynth. Clues, found at the fake settlement site, indicated that the supposed zetan saucerboat was no more genuine than were the creatures.

3Dog declared a grand lottery, all prizes consisting of electric toasters, that is lots of prizes and lots of electric toasters. Consolation prizes are offered for non winners being, surprisingly, electric toasters.

In LifeVault-101 Jasmine Armstrong joined the volunteer exterminators, using her .22LR bolt-action rifle, to help deal with a growing infestation problem with radroaches.

A ghostly nuclear explosion was seen, by many witnesses, in the Cape Lookout area. None are harmed by it except for being shocked by the experience, especially those caught inside the phantom explosion or close to it.

Diamond City hosted a large gladiator games event with its main arena having been fixed up for the event. It was a popular event and brings many visitors, some healthy profits for local commerce but also some problems with security. The newspaper reporter, Piper, continued to investigate mysterious vanishings in the city and in the area around it.

Due to growing tensions between the Republic of Dave, and the Commonwealth of Gwen, both leaders increased their elite guard forces from four soldiers to five soldiers. True, the president's extra soldier was a sulky ten year old boy, and the prime minister's soldier was an old crotchety woman in a wheelchair, but such trivial details were not considered important.

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Have edited #47 above, hopefully improving it; I suggest you take a look at it.

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Fallout Alternates One 25.1 [32]

SarahAta Lyons, being an aspect of the new SarahAta Lyons Platoon, appeared with enhanced augmented Lyons Valiant warriors; each was an exotic figure, as she was, with mildly eccentric power armour and other gear, each having special technologies and powers. Mildly erotic SarahAta stood in her slimly voluptuous-muscular expressed armour with some semitransparent plating. She held a souped up battlerifle, with three main barrels and two other weapons, along with other devices.

She stood facing amazed SFSS Enterprise security guards, in their security power armour, as led by a male sublieutenant.

Behind her, and to either side, were the two Cybergirls being each a fairly skimpy metallic pieces clad cyborg with a big multiple barrelled minipulsegun. Except that the supposedly bare skin-flesh was armoured synthetic skin-flesh.

Conan was a fairly scantily clad masculine figure with strange furry power armour, a big power longsword and what looked like a massive four barrelled shotgun. Like the Cybergirls he was also a cyborg with armoured synthetic skin-flesh.

Captain Columbia had a red, white and blue power armour with a shieldgun that was a weapon in more than one way. He also had a big big semiautomatic pistol with two barrels, one above the other, that could fire very long bursts of bullets.

SteelMan had a heavy looking, fairly bulky, set of power armour and a combination missile launcher machinegun weapon.

BlackWidow had slim, body hugging, stealth power armour and a pair of large, elongated, black bladepistols.

The ViperTwins were in reptillian styled power armour with exotic energy rifles. They were generally identical to one another except that one was female and the other was male.

The Catclaw Triplets were one male, and two female, catmans in tight sexy feline themed power armour. One had a powerbow, another a powerspear and the third a powerrifle. The three swapped the weapons around to be experienced in all three types.

The TechnoTwins were odd technical power armoured fighting techies, one male and one female, with odd rifle like weapons that they were always altering, adapting.

The last was DocKelly, a power armoured fighting medico with a complicated gun that was also a multiple purpose medical device.

Behind them were, in the massive chamber, were thirteen FEARITs (troopers), thirteen FEARIOs (operatives) and thirteen FEARIBs (cyborgs). They were in a new subsection of the newly expanded systemship that had a great stem flowing out of the back of the sphere with a big cylinder and, attached to it, a saucership above and two saucerboats below. There were two great fins, each ending in a big system hyperdrive nacelle. At end, of the great 'stem' was an extensive port for different, fairly large craft, such as fighterships, shuttles and servoboats.

More FEARIUs were to be found in that saucership that was officially part of the SFSS Enterprise as long as it was docked. It was part of military chain of command protocols that insisted that the captain of the system ship had greater authority than did the captain of the saucership.

SarahAta Lyons spoke to the security sublieutenant before he could do so. "I am SarahAta Lyons, of the Lyons Valiant elite soldiers and the Fast Encounter Assault Recon Infiltration Taskforce Alpha, FEARITF-Alpha, of the Fast Encounter Assault Recon Infiltration Force, the FEARIF. Before you ask, we have no idea how we got to be here; we do not even know how we got to exist as we have; that is the way with the sphere-entities, as you people may have found."

The security guard sighed. "Until a short time ago I was supposedly dead, having been killed in an attack on a buoy-spacestation by Greynari saucers. My comrades were also perished. I will attempt to contact the good captain though I suspect that she is quite busy now attempting to come to terms with a second set of major changes instigated by the sphere-entities."

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:devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :down:

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