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Fallout Alternates One 28.2 [39]

Terry frowned hard. "Even if the Orderhood does not use clones, there is growing evidence that clones are becoming threats. Stories of crazed rogue clones, coming from one of the lost VaultTekVaults out in the CC Wastelands, and SarahEle's reports of zombified clones, both affirm that. Then there are the WorldEnclaven clones of the newly proclaimed faction of that name that is invading from the north. They are not to be confused with the rogue EagleEnclaven of nonclones. Nor are the Elders of Steel fully convinced of the secure status of the FEARIU clones or you Sarah Lyons superclones."

Walter Bishop frowned. "The Orderhood of Steel has constantly insisted that it be given access to all knowledge of other factions here in the LSComplex and yet the OofS has kept much knowledge to itself, has many secrets that it clutches to its chest. You found something hidden deep inside the CCCitadel and beneath it but you have not even spoken of either. An XFIA Team found a hidden storeroom of file cabinets full of hard copy filefolders. While all are of interest, some are most revealing. There is a big military research development subcomplex complete with a small prototype manufactory. We found only basic data on projects run there but three were linked with cloning including cyborg brainbots using cloned brains plus spinal chords, cloned part-humanoids for robomen cyborgs like those like the robocops, robotroopers and roboworkers found in a display alcove in the museum like great chamber. The other type clones might just be the kind as used by the WorldEnclaven."

Terry frowned some more. "The OofS is not required to share all of its information with you. We are the select guardians of scientific data and technologies. It is up to us to decide the fate of such matters."

Walter shook his head. "No, I would say 'no' to that idea! You have no such rights over other factions of the PostDoomsday world, the NewEarth. I suggest a more humble, sharing approach, would gain the Orderhood far more."

Alice suddenly looked tired. "We will end this meeting now for we will find no satisfactory resolution. There is work to do! Another meeting will be called for for tomorrow. "

So the meeting ended with all returning to their particular faction areas of the LSComplex but there was a subtle sense of growing tension taking place.

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Fallout Alternates: One 29.1 [40]

The biosynth doppelganger, that had pretended to be Terry Lyons, dropped as an angry Alice shot her with a special type of stundart. Ironically enough it was a technology partly developed by the real Terry Lyons. The real Terry Lyons, along with a few others, had been found in strange doppelganger-capsules designed to boost the 'realness' of doppelganger disguises.

It turned out that an infiltration group of doppelganger biosynths had come through the teleport-cable from the CCCitadel that was suffering a major onslaught on such entities. Shortly after the teleport-cable had been cut off but not, it seemed, by the doppelgangers or other things like them.

Alice frowned hard. "She said things that the real Terry Lyons would never say for my real sister does not think that the gaining of knowledge is more important than anything else or that the OofS had the right to demand that other Wastelands Factions give over their scientific data to them. The orthodox Sages of Steel too often think that way but our father, Prime Elder Owen Lyons, does not do so."

The muffled sounds of shooting came to them. With the doppelganger biosynths had come others also disguised as members of the OofS but not able to shapeshift as the doppelgangers could.

Communications had opened up with the CCCitadel and the Mysterious Stranger had appeared there to help the Orderhood to deal more effectively with the challenge of infiltrating biosynths and the many more synths supporting them. New forms of detection, and capture, had been gained against the biosynths and refined EMPguns knocked down the synths. The mystery was what the enemy had been after until it was discovered that heavy focused attempts had been made to take over the PreDoomsday cloning centre.

SarahEle Lyons stood in the chamber, along with a group of FEARIUs. All of them, including SarahEle, had taken part in the fighting. Mostly they had managed to knock down, to capture and encapsulate biosynths and synths.

SarahEle spoke calmly, confidently. "The threat has been generally nullified but we FEARIUs have begun security sweeps and patrols to try to find any other infiltration groups. I am now am a FEARIU, an honorary one, and its highest commander except for the real Sarah Lyons. The shaperbeasts, along with shapernoids and others with them, vanished just before the infiltration began but not before alerting the XFIA people here about the threat to come."

Alice nodded. "So Scullie has informed me. Good news is that the supermutant type military forces, attacking the CCCitadel and ourselves, have withdrawn. Bad news is they have vanished suddenly in the same dark fashion as the first big force vanished that the original Sarah Lyons was dealing with; desiccated corpses were found of real supermutants and the types of creatures that go with them along with ghouls and some other captured Wasteland entities including some humans."

So the first puzzle had arisen again, that of the dark mysterious vanishing of a large supermutant force that had probably been at last half made up of biosynths. Now it was that three such large forces had vanished in the same troubling manner. It turned out that answers, to the puzzle, was very much needed.

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Fallout Alternates Zero 5.1 [41]

Terry Lyons, the real one, got to examine the FEARIU cloning centre and other facilities. The teleport-cable link to the CCCitadel was mysteriously fixed just as it had been cut. Another teleport-cable was opened up but this time between the LSComplex and the 3DRadio-3DTV Galaxy Tower with its settlement at its foundation area. Soon limited traffic was going to-from the LSComplex and what was often called the 3D Galaxy Tower.

Word came, to the LSComplex, that the part fake supermutant force, once fighting the Enclaven, had vanished in the same horrific mysterious fashion as had the other two such forces; that is the one that had attacked the LSComplex and the one that had attacked the CCCitadel.

The Enclaven forces did not return to renew attacking the former Columbia Commonwealth. Instead, it was reported, they moved to where it was said that the Alaskan WorldEnclave was hidden. Scant information came south that the enclave was being attacked by a large unknown force though unsuccessfully.

The space taskforce, heading towards SanasTerminus was attacked by a volley of clumpmissiles that split into discarded boosters, real missiles, decoy missiles and armoured-armed kamikaze spacedrones. It was only the first of many long range attacks to come from SanasTerminus. Admiral Jane Kirk, newly promoted, speculated that powerful instruments of SanasTerminus had detected the threat but admitted there could have been other reasons for it happening.

Biosynth, synth, activities were ceasing in the CC Wastelands but was it a permanent change?

Reilly's Rangers, mercenary corporation, expanded with new support funding coming from a secret source that only Reilly, and her second in command, knew the identity of; she refused to inform even the OofS who it was.

Exploring, charting, activities continued in the LSComplex with more general discoveries being made though they were useful ones; none, of the more exotic kind, were found but there seemed to be lots more space to explore-chart.

The Raider attacks, from the east, ceased over about three days. No explanation was found but evidence, was discovered, that all of them had headed back to the ocean.

The Gary-Mary Clones vanished from the CC Wastelands altogether, or at least from the surface world.

3Dog found that his group now had almost enough electric toasters but they now needed one more; this time he went and got one himself instead of making any radio broadcast on the matter.

Jasmine, Dogmeat and others start to investigate the truth behind the isolationist procedures and protocols that are officially stated to be carried out for the good of LifeVault-101; they do not believe this but are far from the only ones to have doubts. Troublesome radroaches are increasing in size, numbers and aggressiveness.

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Fallout Alternates One 30.1 [42]


Jasmine fired her .22LR bolt-action rifle at the first of the big, aggressive, radroaches to race along the tunnel towards the Exterminators Team A1. The creature perished but its moment caused it to slide some distance before it came to a halt. Dogmeat was crouched to one side of her having killed a few of the zerker radroaches, as they were starting to be called. Unlike typical radroaches they were bigger, more aggressive and never backed down from a fight; normal radroaches were smart enough to flee if they were being killed off. Also the 'zerkers' had odd red lumpy marks on parts of their bodies.


Jasmine, in her patchwork body-armour, spoke to the others there in the language known as Esperanto. "My father, Professor James Armstrong, has examined one of the dead zerkers and believes they are normal radroaches put through some kind of mutagenic processing like that of the supermutants, the mutthounds, the zyclops and wingclops mentioned in datafiles that he found. That is in a walled off chamber that had only a thin barrier of metal at one place that he easily got through. LifeVault-101 was used briefly in other ways before it became a false LifeVault with its isolationism experimental program. The program is made up of three projects, all three of which seem to be still running. Project 101A is the big one with the isolation of larger groups from one another. Project 101B is much smaller groups being isolated. Project 101C is the isolation of individuals. In that small chamber he found lots of stuff crammed in together but the problem was much of the gear was damaged such as the hardware holding the datafiles software. The Projects each had 'subprojects' linked to them but data, clarifying what that meant, was scrambled."


Bob, a male comrade and friend, spoke from where he crouched with a vault made duplicate of her rifle. "Who ever planned these experiments were criminally insane."


The LifeVault Overseers Network were most reluctant to allow the Exterminators to have proper body-armour or automatic weapons. Only security and defenders got those and they were reluctant to actually risk their lives fighting the zerkers. Many Exterminators had to use crossbows, a range of melee weapons or anything else that they could get. Annoyingly, the Overseers were even reluctant to give the Exterminators enough ammunition to really do their job.


An arrogant male Supervisor had haughty informed Jasmine that they were lucky to get as many cartridges as they did; then she found out that both rifles, and ammo, were being bought illegally by elite teenagers to play shooting games with. With every passing year the Overseers, Coordinators and Supervisors grew more corrupt along with those that served them with only a few exceptions.

Jasmine, and others, had organised a very successful raid that had taken back eight rifles, a few hundred cartridges and related gear such as maintenance kits. Yet it had been done with secret assistance that promised more help in the near future.


Now she was certain that the sudden, unexplained, appearance of the zerkers probably had something to do with a 'subproject' of some kind as linked to Project 101A. So she had set out to find the source of the zerkers, with the assistance of eight Exterminators, Dogmeat who was an honorary Exterminator, and one old MrHandy adapted to help deal with the creatures. Normal radroaches, if one could call them that, no longer appeared. The last found were dead and being eaten by zerkers who had no hesitation in killing, and devouring, their weaker cousins.


More zerkers came and crossbow bolts thudded into them. She fired her gun as Dogmeat growled softly. The last of the attacking monsters died quickly and then, without visible explanation, they stopped coming.


Dogmeat, and Jasmine, led the Exterminators along the big isolated utility corridor lit, in that section, only by emergency solid state lights. Then they saw it and all were shocked except for the robot and Dogmeat. Part machine, part massive radroach creature, the thing was inside a big armoured glass tank so thick as only to be semitransparent in nature. Except that it was dead, the machinery that supported its life being deactivated, and was starting to decay. Thankfully the armoured glass made it easier to look at and trapped the smell.


Close to the tank were heaped many dead zerkers, killed by means that were not obvious. Closer to the Exterminators was a big electric motorised electric-cart with more .22LR bolt-action rifles, some semiautomatic .22LR rifles, some proper body-armour along with other equipment and supplies.




That is what happened, with surprising speed!

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:sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :down:

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Fallout Alternates One 31.1 [43]

Energy beams, and projectiles, shot along the great multiple purpose space of a hub connect hallway. Network-systems hummed louder in full activation or softer in semiactivation. Destroyed security robots, and turrets, showed the signs of long past conflict. A big wheeled tractor trolley arrangement lay on its side but was otherwise surprisingly intact. Behind it, though, were long dead corpses in space power armour being preserved by their tight confinement.

SarahUlt Lyons, superclone of Sarah Lyons, was now a super-biosynth as were her new elite Lyons Vanguard. In power armour, adapted to use by biosynths, they pushed along a very big hallway of SanasTerminus. There was no real explanation of how she, and a large force of biosynths, synths and robots had gotten to be there except that it had something to do with the orb-entities. Orb-entities were there but were busy battling shadow-entities. Shazefel fought against the SarahUlt's forces in that great exotic construct first made by combining the results of three big, unfinished, space projects.

The Central Hub lay ahead of them, where there were survivors eking out an existence there, being somewhere between surviving and living in quality. They were a mixture of humans, animans, early type androids and cyborgs being mainly brainbots. Most of the robots were eyebots and trons. The Hubbers, as they had come to call themselves, had general control over most of the SanasTerminus until shadowcraft had arrived along with a large force of shazefel. Shadazes, and palefanes, battled them but were falling back.

SarahUlt was not sure if it was a genuine retreat or if they were trying to draw her forces into an ambush. Trouble was that, despite hacking some local computer network-systems and finding other useful data, she had no very strong knowledge of how the massive superbase was set out. That is she did not know if ahead lay an area where the enemy could easily ambush her people.

Having contacted her, the Hubbers were waging war from the Central Hub that they had successfully defended but they lacked the resources to make a major push as SarahUlt's Lyons Vanguard led forces were doing.

Thankfully shadowcraft were locked out, away, from the conflict and were unable to directly assist the shazefel in SanasTerminus.

Then they came upon 'it' and they were surprised. A great side chamber, alcove in fashion, showed a great working model of the experimental prototype starship the SS Reacher. According to data, on a large sign, the working 'mock up' had been part of the original project of sending the SS Reacher into hyperspace. Later it had been used to help deal with a dark, troubling, crisis to do with the same starship. Details were scant of that crisis. Some containers were heaped up close to the mock-up being filled with semijunk and useful stuff.

Coming to a halt there, SarahUlt's forces dug in for the moment as she examined the mock-up and the items found in the containers. What she found was most concerning; what ever had come with the SS Reacher back from hyperspace, was both a large force of shazefel and something far more disturbing, nastier, more powerful that was 'behind' them and the shadowcraft. It had apparently been destroyed with the nuking of the SS Reacher but again details were scant.

SarahUlt quietly pondered the strong likelihood that the threat coming from deep space was linked to the powerful threat that had been in the prototype starship when it had come out of hyperspace to lie floating, not responding to any human attempts to communicate with it.

An odd fact was that 'something' undefined had warned humanity that something most alien, and dangerous, was in the SS Reacher. Was that something to do with the orb-entities?

Through her exotic link to Sarah Lyons, SarahUlt Lyons communicated to the other Sarah Lyons superclones of what she had learned.

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Fallout Alternates One 32.1 [44]

The Sarah Lyons Superclones, the SLSuperclones, were firmly linked mindwise as SarahEle continued to work, with the FEARIUs, in the LSComplex, SarahUlt commanded the Lyons Vanguard led a biosynth, synth force in the SanasTerminus and SarahAta was with the Lyons Valiant elite with the Solar Federation Alliance fleet heading towards SanasTerminus. SarahEle gained the old, but changed, Lyons Pride as her elite force.

At this time Sarah Lyons officially sundered her membership of the Orderhood of Steel, stating that the LSComplex was not, and would never be, under the rule of the OofS. Alice Lyons, and Terry Lyons, soon did the same. One reason was growing pressure by some Orderhood of Steel factions for the OofS to fully take over the complex, to basically loot many of its resources to send to the CCCitadel and to put under constraint the FEARIUs. The stronger reason was the discovery of a plot, that Owen Lyons was not aware of, by three hard line factions to treacherously take over the complex from within.

The expulsion, from the LSComplex of many OofS people, began! As expelled OofS members arrived in the LSComplex, they were arrested by the Sheriffs of Steel, a fairly new Order of Steel designed to replace older, less efficient, forms of internal law enforcement. While most of the conspirators would get only lighter punishments, five men would be executed along with one woman while another twenty Orderhooders would be imprisoned for years as chain-gang convicts.

At the Alaskan Enclave, of the renamed 'TransEnclaven' formerly being the Enclaven, TransEnclaven forces drove back what was a great, part fake, supermutant army supported by a mass of warrobots of different kinds. They were, in many ways, like the robots serving Skynet but were of the Land Air Sea Network linked to the orbiting Skynet; that is the LASNet. Developed far more secretly than Skynet was, the LASNet had been quite small when Doomsday came and had been evolving, expanding, ever since under the command of its own supercomputer network-systems and intermittent commands from Skynet Central HQ.

Reilly's Rangers, now bigger and upgraded a force, undertook new missions to scout areas of the Wastelands to gain information on what was going on. They were sent to specific locations to deal with special challenges. Reilly's Rangers began using assault power armour along with other new tech. They were requested to share, most of the data they gained, with the OofS and continued to work with various Orders of Steel such as the Steel Scouts.

The New Republic of Northern Columbia, the NRNC, splintered as civil war began. The elected government was soon under siege from rebel forces. As loyalist forces battled rebel forces information came to President Jackson that the rebellion was a false one consisting of doppelganger biosynths and general biosynths backed up by far more synths. Unexpected assistance came from the TekCorps who feared greatly what was going on as much as a growing number of Wastelands Factions were. They supplied the republic with free equipment, resources and advisers.

To many factions a 'link' became known to exist between Skynet, through the newly discovered LASNet, to the biosynth and synth fakes causing so many troubles in so many areas. The various Genesis Institutes released official statements, through 3Dog's radio station and via other sources, that they had nothing to do with the troubling biosynths and synths. Most believed them because of a variety of solid reasons; the Genesis Institutes did not use biosynths and their synths had significant differences from the synths serving the biosynths. The orb-entity transformed ones were different again.

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Fallout Alternates Zero 6.2 [45]

Jasmine Armstrong, and her growing following, continue to explore LifeVault-101 even as the Overseers Government provides them with a whole lot of better resources. The LifeVault-101 anticorruption purge begins; at first it does so slowly and at lower levels with most vaultfolk assuming it will not go far and that the most corrupt people, at the top, will remain safe.

Professor Henry Brown, grandfather to Moira Brown, arrives at the settlement of Megaton with a large group of followers and servants; he also brings many resources with him including some quite valuable ones. From the first the professor is very generous to the settlement and is soon made very welcome. He assists heavily in the upgrading of water supplies, electrical power and security of the settlement. Three stomping protectron, and five single wheeled claptrap, robots are given to the settlement's government, such as it is.

Megaton's Sheriff Lucas Simms gains a protectron as another 'Deputy Protectron'; now there is Deputy Rust, Deputy Weld and Deputy Steel serving the Megaton Sheriff's Office. Deputy Steel no longer guards the armoury which the newish Megaton Militia now protect for it is part of their facilities; they are not to be confused with Megaton Security.

The settlement has gained more people, and has expanded, thanks to an influx of refugees coming from more troubled areas. A second, outer, wall is being constructed.

The infamous Colin Moriarty has expanded his saloon, the GirlsNGames thanks to the growing demands on his services; Nova, the prostitute, is joined by Selena, Katrina and the three Bambi Sisters. The number of stage girls, barmaids, and other staff are also increased. The saloon is expanded by space being dug out of the side of the crater.

Doctor Church is happy to now be one of four doctors serving the Megaton Clinic; there is also another doctor who runs a private practice.

The Church of the Children of Atom, the Church of CA, has gained more of the faithful though Confessor Cromwell is the first to admit it might be because the church has started providing small, free, meals to the faithful twice a day and beds to sleep in. They are also expanding into the sides of the Megaton Crater as are others, but doing so carefully under hopefully expert guidance.

Uncle Leo, the largely enlightened behemoth supermutant, continues to lead a growing following through the CC Wastelands.

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