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Does anyone here like Skyrim?


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212 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you like Skyrim?

    • Yes, it was a genuinely good game.
    • No, they ruined it by <complaint>
    • I dunno lol I just wandered in, I'll be going now.
    • What's the question again?
    • Lol I dunno I've been playing EVE Online Crucible

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  On 12/2/2011 at 8:05 PM, Brittainy said:

I don't like it. (And no, my dislike has nothing to do with the bugs.)


I keep trying to give it a go, but I end up incredibly bored. I'm hoping it will grow on me, but so far, no luck.


While I could list a pile of complaints about the gameplay, the UI, the characters, the world, etc, let's just put it this way: There's simply no 'magic' in it. It feels bland and tired and I can't help but feel incredibly indifferent to it. :mellow:


you don't even like hunting down and killing dragons? it's not fun for you? that's like my new favorite thing in the world. i really love being bushwhacked by an ancient and fighting for my life on a flimsy mountain trail that is almost too small for me to walk up or down on my own. (or i used to when dragons still worked)

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  On 12/2/2011 at 11:38 AM, Adrius2 said:

It's an awesome game.


Of course the forum is full of negative feedback... the majority of the people loving the game are too busy playing it to post about it ^^



Damn, where is the "Like" button? :)

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  On 12/2/2011 at 8:54 PM, Invisible Man said:
  On 12/2/2011 at 8:05 PM, Brittainy said:

I don't like it. (And no, my dislike has nothing to do with the bugs.)


I keep trying to give it a go, but I end up incredibly bored. I'm hoping it will grow on me, but so far, no luck.


While I could list a pile of complaints about the gameplay, the UI, the characters, the world, etc, let's just put it this way: There's simply no 'magic' in it. It feels bland and tired and I can't help but feel incredibly indifferent to it. :mellow:


you don't even like hunting down and killing dragons? it's not fun for you? that's like my new favorite thing in the world. i really love being bushwhacked by an ancient and fighting for my life on a flimsy mountain trail that is almost too small for me to walk up or down on my own. (or i used to when dragons still worked)


Actually, the dragons are one part I DO like about the game. :thumbsup: Them and the Northern Lights...

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  On 12/2/2011 at 2:03 PM, ginnyfizz said:
  On 12/2/2011 at 12:35 PM, elleonblanco said:

So, I am having a fantastic game playing experience and have to feel that a lot of the problems people are experiencing are brought on themselves by trying to become a demigod by the level 2.


Can you please explain to me why my crashing to desktop without the aid of a third party programme to launch the game has anything to do with trying to become a demigod by level 2? It's a memory and 64 bit system issue (and my character was already about level 25 when along came patch 1.1 to cause the problem.)


My PC currently runs with Win-7 64 bit(localised variant) 6 GB ram, and I've only had only one CTD to date running on 1.2 Frankly I have no idea what's wrong with the patches, for me, I haven't CTD'd during 1.1-1.2 and I really don't get the hate over 1.2 because it simply hasn't effected me. Skyrim's been good to me-I've had a few CTD's, a few minor errors, and at one point I got stuck in a cave because a big spider I'd tamed was seemingly sleeping in the entryway(bawww) but it's on the whole been good to me. If this is a buggy game, then I'd have hated to play older ones-I remember times when Oblivion just wouldn't start at all because the bugger had installed itself all wrong, or obsurd CTDs to do with HDR. If Skyrim's buggy, then from where I sit, I'm either incredibly fortunate or we gamers have become incredibly spoiled.

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Read this: http://fronttowardsgamer.com/2011/05/10/gamers-the-spoiled-children-of-society/2/


I have to agree with some points, reminds me of some customers who expect 6-star service yet not pay for it let alone tip. However, I do agree with many gamers that the direction that the gaming industry has taken can be rather f--ked up, especially the current DRM issues and dumbed down gameplay to appeal for more people. The worse for me is DA2. WTF?! seriously


I consider myself very reasonable, and I understand that people, including developers are as human as me being a business owner in the F&B industry. But the goal, always, ALWAYS have been for me customer satisfaction, and that is the trigger for my success. But ignoring the fans, ignoring the people who play the game... meh. High risk really, with the guarantee of p-ssing off a lot of people.


But meh, Skyrim has been good for me so far, I rate it 8/10, and I still play it. It is a great game, but not perfect.

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I reluctantly rated Skyrim an "8"; I really wanted to give it a 9 or even a 10, but there are just too many things that fall a bit short, but the truth is that the game is amazing.


For sure, the bugs are annoying beyond belief, and thankfully haven't been too game breaking, although until i did the 4GB mod exe, it began crashing a lot suddenly. But more importantly, the uneven graphics (sometimes amazing, other times eh), the 2GB default limit (RIDICULOUS - I agree with Ginny that the time to recognize 64bit gamers is long past), the combat is close to being excellent, but still seems a bit clunky, the consolization UI is attractive looking but ultimately crappy for PC users and the INSULT to keyboard and Mouse users by hardcoding certain keys (like ASD) so even if you reassign them to let's say the arrow keys, you still need to use A/D for lockpicking. DUH. Thankfully, the modders fixed this but come on. Also, there is a slight disconnectedness, i.e I'm Thane of Whiterun but no one cares unless I break the law and no one addresses me that way except Lydia. Silly stuff like that.


On the other hand, it is an all around amazing game. Prolly when the bugs are fixed and the patches continue to roll in, I will update my rating. I put in 100 hours, so does it not deserve a 10? I dk, it seems harsh to punish Beth by two full points when they worked *SO* hard to produce a quality product. It is really close I think. The mods will make it an "11" for sure, where all games and guitars should go.

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that's one more thing that bugged me about skyrim. you can go to the bards college and attend it; however, you can't wonder around from tavern or inn to tavern or inn and play music for money. i want my character to sing, dance, and play a lute... or even a flute. (green eggs & ham book not intended... ok, maybe a little)
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I've played Skyrim just about every day since getting it and have 3 wonderful characters now. I only take breaks for-real life stuff (like when I drove up to Tennessee from Florida to see my mom for an early Thanksgiving, my first out of state trip going that far alone btw), planning what I'm going to do with each character, and Terraria. I come to look on here every now and then, but try not to as the level of negativity I've been seeing on the boards about the game confuses and disappoints me. On Facebook, just about every conversation I have with anyone involves Skyrim in some way. I have more time (and crazy fan addiction) for the game than they do, so I have to hold off on some of my jokes until they get a better grasp of the game.

I love the game.

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