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Oblivion crashing during loading screen - help appreciated


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Hello all this is my first post so please forgive if im doing something wrong.

whenever I try to load my game the bar moves slightly and then it instantly goes back to desktop. If someone could provide any assistance id really appreciate it. This is my current load order:


Mart's Monster Mod.esm

Enhanced Daedric Invasion.esm


CM Partners.esm










Immersive Weapons.esp


Rogue Battlemage Armor.esp


Alluring Potion Bottles v3.esp

Mart's Monster Mod - Additional Enemy NPC Vars.esp

Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse Imperial Armor.esp

Mart's Monster Mod - City Defences.esp

Creature Diversity.esp


Kvatch Rebuilt.esp

Legion Faction Mod.esp




Daedric Shrine Ruins.esp

Enhanced Daedric Invasion.esp






CM Partners.esp

CM Partners Special NPCs.esp

CM Partners NPC.esp

CM Partners NPC NE.esp

CM Partners More NPCs.esp

CM Partners More NPCs NE.esp

CM Partners Marker NPCs.esp

CM Partners Extra NPCs.esp


DeadlyReflex 6 - Combat Moves.esp


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One problem (however not ikely related to your crashing) is that you are using both the essental and not-essential versions of each of the CM Partners ESP (i.e. both CM Partners NPC.esp and CM Partners NPC NE.esp ... use one or the other but not both).


Crashes like you describe are often a "missing master" type crash (mod A needs mod B to work, but mod B is below mod A in the load order so Oblivion crashes because mod A can't find mod B when it loads).


Sort your load order with BOSS.

Edited by Striker879
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One problem (however not ikely related to your crashing) is that you are using both the essental and not-essential versions of each of the CM Partners ESP (i.e. both CM Partners NPC.esp and CM Partners NPC NE.esp ... use one or the other but not both).


Crashes like you describe are often a "missing master" type crash (mod A needs mod B to work, but mod B is below mod A in the load order so Oblivion crashes because mod A can't find mod B when it loads).


Sort your load order with BOSS.

Thanks for the tip, I used BOSS but I still have the same problem

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Deactivating mods (but leaving them installed) doesn't always give you a proper test. The crash could be caused by resources that are still read by the game when it starts (meshes, textures, animations etc).


A couple of candidates that I see that have a reputation for trouble are any of the Deadly Reflex and related ESPs as well as the Key Chain mod.


The best way to install mods is one at a time, and test thoroughly in between (granted sometimes you need to install more than one mod when there are mod dependancies).


Always start the vanilla game and test before installing any mods. A good plan is to run through the tutorial with vanilla Oblivion. Right before you exit the sewer make a save (before you get the character finalization menus ... this save will be useful if you want to start a new character later and don't want to go through the whole tutorial again).


Exit the sewer and make another save, not overwriting the first. This save can be used to continue your character after you get your base mods installed. Then go to the Imperial City Market District and make yet another save (this will be your mod testing save).


If you didn't run into any problems with vanilla Oblivion to this point, start adding mods and testing using that Market District save or the outside the sewer save (the Market District save stresses your machine with lots of NPCs and the outside the sewer save is useful for running around the rest of the world during testing, but the Market District could be your primary testing save). Don't overwrite either of these saves, at least not until you are satisfied with your load order.

Edited by Striker879
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