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I have items I don't want to carry around, but I don't want to sell them either. Is there a reliable way to store something, so it will be around when I return? Can I, for example, put them in a guild chest, and find them every time I return? Must I buy a house?


Assuming you don't want to install a mod (for example The Luggage included with Cobl), then yes, you will need to buy a house to get permanent, safe storage.

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There are plenty of non-respawning chests and barrels located throughout Cyrodiil (example, the barrel located on the second level of Fort Empire structure, SW corner of the alcove ... the chest in the opposite corner does respawn). When I come across an empty container (which may or may not be empty because I emptied once, who knows when) I put three inexpensive items into it. I use iron arrows, but anything cheap and not commonly found will do. The next time I check the container (as long as I've waited long enough for a cell reset) will tell me if it's a good one or not. When I find a good one I put an inexpensive item on the top ... three iron arrows in a quiver, an iron blunt or armor, something to mark it as good to use. I have arrows, backup weapons and armor spread all over the map, and it saves the worry of a pile of loot left outdoors disappearing (although if you pick something up and have it in your inventory first, and then leave it on the ground it shouldn't disappear).
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Yes if you have already picked the item up and had it in your inventory you can leave it on the ground and it will stay there indefinitely. One caveat ... if it's a weapon and then an unarmed NPC gets into a fight anywhere nearby they'll come running and grab your weapon (actually, your best weapon if you've left a number of them in a pile ... a trick to keep in mind if you're looking to arm an unarmed NPC in a fight). As far as I know, they'll leave them alone if they're in a container, and I've never seen an unarmored NPC grab armor left on the ground. Edited by Striker879
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Ideally, use a house mod. Then you'll have a selection of containers that are nonspawning, and set for different purposes. You also get whatever other series of benefits come with that house, which may include any or all of: rooms for companions, a potion and alchemy ingredients sorter, spellmaking and enchanting altars, mannequin and weapons display cases, teleportal devices, healing chambers, etc. Worth considering, at least.
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