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Holy f*** do I Hate The CK Right Now


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I'm trying--trying!--and trying and trying and f*#@ing trying to give a vanilla NPC new dialogue. Now, I've spliced together the new dialogue, created the new scene written the new dialogue and... the CK

1. Refuses to let me change the audio file.

2. Demands that the audio file be in xwm

3. Will not generate lip files from xwm files.



What the damn f*#@?!

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Is there a question there somewhere? lol I feel your pain man, I'm fighting with the damned thing to try and do region generation and just it will not behave at all, it's such a PITA.


So as far as your issue goes, am I understanding that you have your dialog text entry written into a new quest right? and you have an audio track spliced together from vanilla lines and you are trying to point the dialog text to that audio file correct? if so the problem is that you can't point dialog audio files to whatever you want, you have to rename the audio file to match what the auto generated dialog line creates for the file name. You should use an audio converter to change the XWM file into a WAV and then rename it to whatever the dialog line file name is. save and close that dialog window, then make sure the line is assigned to that NPC as speaker and open the line again so you can click on the file listing and click to generate a LIP file from WAV, then you can finally pack it all up as a FUZ when you are done

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You should use an audio converter to change the XWM file into a WAV and then rename it to whatever the dialog line file name is.


This is where I lose you. Does the CK auto-generate a XWM file?

My problem is that I have a WAV file that has the dialogue I want. I convert it *to* a xwm file, but I can't generate the lip files from a xwm file. (And I can't seem to generate them from the WAV file either, since the game is not pointing at the WAV file.)

Edited by RS13
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In FO3/NV when creating new dialogue, when you enter your text the GECK would give the sound file a file name. You could not change this name in the GECK you then had to change the file name of your sound file to match whatever file name the GECK choose or you would never get the sound to play.


And that's about all I know about sound files. :unsure:

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Your files should already be in wav format. Like others have said, you cant change the filename that the CK assigns a sound file... you have to change YOUR sound file to match what the CK chooses. Record a dummy file (wav) in the CK, then rename and paste the actual wav file sound you want to use to the voice folder and overwrite the dummy file you created. Then generate a lip file using the finished wav file.


Don't use xvm files. Use fuz. After you generate your lip files use this tool to convert the wav and lip to a single merged fuz file:




Fuzs are excellent quality, very small in size, and a single file. Better choice.

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The first two things can be bypassed by using FO4Edit to make the changes, at least thats how I deal with similar problems when changing perk sounds and such.


The generate lip part I always assumed is what LipFuzer is supposed to do, but haven't dabbled any with that...

Lol I didnt even know about LipFuzer, thanks.

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The first two things can be bypassed by using FO4Edit to make the changes, at least thats how I deal with similar problems when changing perk sounds and such.


How? I'm looking at my new dialogue in FO4Edit, but I can't see anything about which sound file it uses.

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