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Fallout 4 Crash on inventory screen


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So, i searched for like over 10 hours and i haven't seen anybody besides me got this error. My problem is when i open my pipboy and go to inventory screen, after i try to use an item or drop an item the game crashes instantly other than that it never crashes can somebody help me here ?

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So, i searched for like over 10 hours and i haven't seen anybody besides me got this error. My problem is when i open my pipboy and go to inventory screen, after i try to use an item or drop an item the game crashes instantly other than that it never crashes can somebody help me here ?

Is a common thing when having installed a mod that has assets for which you need the standalone version. Usually it's a weapon that is incorporated into an all-in-one mod or a framework mod llike the one for scopes where you've clicked to add scopes to a certain weapon for which you don't have the standalone mod. Those weapons will spawn on enemies and you can get them in your inventory when grabbing all the loot off a corpse in one go. If afterwards you come across that weapon (for which you don't have the textures) in your inventory or in a vendor's inventory, the game crashes...

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I think you got it wrong, i never take items in one go. This happens automatically after 12 hours of play i started 2 campaings and it happened after exact 12 hours of playing and it doesnt happen on appearal section neither other things it only happens on guns section (Sorry for bad english)

Edited by WeedNim
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