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Whoever created this site has some problems


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I don't understand why people can't make things simpler, instead they have all these fancy sites that don't work.


Just to give you an example why do you have to implement all those fancy codes to make the screenshot pop up on the same page? Like, how about just make it a simple link to the image so I can open in in another tab? It makes your webpage smaller because you saved all those cods, it's easier on my browser so if I browse with a tablet it doesn't lag all the time, and in fact this pop up image viewer doesn't work very good on tablets. Making them simple links are so much easier, and I can even open multiple screenshots at the same time to compare them. I don't understand what you were thinking.


Also, why do you have to have that scrolling s*** for screenshots? just stack all the thumbnails right on the webpage? even for a scroller it sucks big time it only has three thumbnails! At least have like six!?


Another example, why is it the webpage have to actually load the information on mods? why is it not written directly into the webpage? as if someone is going to NOT look at those info? I mean it's not like the description is anything huge, it's a few kilobytes at most. So why?


And look at those fancy tabs, why tabs? you know most of us have monitors wider than what, 1024 pixels? why can't you just add more stuff to your webpage instead of having all those tabs that I have to switch through? It's not like in Japan where everyone browses with an 800x480 Japanese cell phone, even those sites know tabs are annoying and they simply stack everything up to make a really long webpage. Look what we have? we have a narrow and short page where you have to switch between tabs, and wait for them to load every single time.


I also don't understand how your downloads work. To start with, why is it on a separate tab? why can't I just click and download!? How big is a freaking download link? like 50 bytes? You don't have room for that on your webpage? How about screw all the fancy backgrounds and buttons, instead make a webpage that works better? Then when I click the download link it doesn't download instead there is another fancy pop up window, wtf is that for? how about just put all the server links into the webpage itself!? you already have a tab just for download, and you can't just load all your crap into that tab? It's not like people will click the download tab and not download!? they will most likely download, so why do I have to click one more time for no reason?


You know what, the categories suck, it misses at least one crucial in your face category. I don't care if a mod is a freaking weapon or clothing or whatever. How about have a reskin and add-on mod with new or modified mesh category!? Cuz you know most reskins are low quality and there are a lot of them, why in hell do I have to go through 200 different glass sword reskins to find for example a giant sword mod? Even porn sites know that and they have anal and oral categories, having categories like here is like if a porn site categorizes their videos into different shades of blond hair, who cares!? There should also be major and minor mods categories, people who pot a lot of time into their mods deserve to be in a different category than people who just size up and sharpen a texture. Not having that is like a porn site where they mix up hard core and soft core porn, it's just stupid.

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Because we all know you could do a better job right?


If you weren't so ignorant, most of the points you brought up are irrelevant. The download pop-up for example is there because on larger downloads, the pop-up contains a list of download servers to choose from.


But, doesn't matter. With the attitude you've got, you're not going to have to worry about it much longer.


P.S. Say hi to the banhammer for me :P

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  On 12/3/2011 at 7:36 PM, ModelV said:

37 minutes....still no ban or admin activity worrying.


I hope Vagrant0 gets this one.



that actually made me laugh damn you ;p

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  On 12/3/2011 at 7:36 PM, ModelV said:

37 minutes....still no ban or admin activity worrying.


I hope Vagrant0 gets this one.


Afraid not, this one's mine.




It is clear that you are not happy with how things are here, and for whatever reason decided to voice your thoughts in a matter you deemed suitable (read: rude and slightly arrogant). Seeing as you cannot seem to understand why things are the way they are here, I will help you see the way to the door instead. Feel free to go elsewhere, or start a site of your own to design and operate how you wish, you may leave now.


We are done.

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