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The courier!


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Someone has most likely brought this up but oh well. I frequently experience a bug (not complaining) in which the courier delivers me messages naked.


I role play a lot so I found this quite funny. One time he actually tracked me down in a forest during a blizzard with nothing but his undies. If only UPS could be so reliable.


What do you guys think caused this? Maybe someone stole his clothes? Haha

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OK, then it is not just me. That happened to me too. He showed up just in his loin cloth and gave me a message, then ran off. I really don't mind, but I was very surprised. This has happened to me twice. Once out in the wilds and once in a village. Too funny. If nothing else, he sure is dedicated. :biggrin:
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Oh what I thought he always was naked, hahaha. I have never seen him with clothes on. Thought he got better aerodynamics that way.


lol this! Well apart from the dumb aerodynamics thing. I have it on good authority that he creates greater aerodynamics by greaseing himself up and rolling everywhere.

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I was fighting a dragon on a mountain top when his glorious body came bounding up the jagged rocks to let me know that there was a dragon there I could kill.


Such dedication.


The courier guy is such an a-hole.


"Hey, guess what, there's a dragon attacking you."

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THE FAST VIKING COURIER MAIL DELIVERY IS OPEN LADYS AND GENTELMAN!!! If our courier dosn't give you your mail under half day he/she showe up in his/her underwear if he/she dosn't give you your mail under one day he/she showe up totaly naked!!!!!!!
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