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Anyone have any ideas how I can get the blood bleed out back? Currently when ever i kill a mob I see the blood spray from the weapon strikes as well as the blood on my weapons and armor. However I no longer see the blood pool under the mobs after they are killed. I am starting to think maybe it has something to do with the HD_2k Texture Mod. Can anyone confirm or debunk this?



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look for "decal" in INI settings.


Cool thank you, which .ini file and what should it be set to if i find it?





I found my skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini files.

There is no decal.ini in the skyrim.ini file.


there are several line in the skyrimprefs.ini file with the word decal in it. Can someone please point out which one is for the blood bleedout on the ground and what value it should be set to please?



Edited by xsile
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