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( Video Tutorial) How to Get Custom Weapons Into Skyrim!


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Im having problems.


I can get my sword model into the game. all that data is right. But its got the wrong or no textures. I done exactly what u said in the video, and it wont show the color map, or the normals, it shows the specular map, and the eviroment map, but no colour or bumps.


So I remade it and now I cant get it to show any textures at all.


What version of nifscope did you use?



im having similar problems to this. i can get the model into the game but it shows up as all black.

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Can you PLEASE make a video tutorial on how to edit body armor (get it to work in the game even after moving vertices in 3dsMax). Prettiest PLEASE with a cherry on top.


Done and done.




Here's the walkthrough I've promised and the mentioned script. It currently only works with max 2012 as that's the only version of max I have on my laptop. I'll convert the morpher to a max 9 compatible file when I get back to work next week. Thanks for your patience! Instructions for using it are in the youtube video. Post any comments or suggestions here if you would!



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Not a problem. =) Next video will be on setting up dismember nodes correctly.


Your awesome!! Thanks loads for all this! The dismemberment nodes determine which body parts are shown/hidden when an armor is equipped right?

Exactly, Hoodz. It hides parts. Either for armor or for actually dismembering the model!

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Done and done.

Here's the walkthrough I've promised and the mentioned script. It currently only works with max 2012 as that's the only version of max I have on my laptop. I'll convert the morpher to a max 9 compatible file when I get back to work next week. Thanks for your patience! Instructions for using it are in the youtube video. Post any comments or suggestions here if you would!


WIN! Someone get this guy an adult beverage!


That morpher tool/script is a godsend. Thank you, thankyou!

Edited by FavoredSoul
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Just found this video, thanks a bunch!


But i install the SoMuchMorpher, bring the work tab onto the work space and click on any of the body types, an error pops up and says


--Unknown property: "modifiers" in undefined


and a MAXScript window pops up:


 macroscript SoMuchMorpher category:"So Much Monsters!" ButtonText:"SM Morpher!" tooltip: "So Much Morpher!"
rollout SoMuchMorpher "So Much Morpher!"  width:160 height:584
button btnmergesmm "Merge Morpher!" pos:[16,32] width:128 height:24
pickbutton btnpickarmor "Pick Armor" pos:[16,224] width:128 height:24 autoDisplay:true
button btngo "Add Modifiers" pos:[16,256] width:128 height:24
GroupBox grpstep1 "Step 1: Merge Morpher" pos:[8,8] width:144 height:56
GroupBox grpstep2 "Step 2: Set Starting Body" pos:[8,80] width:144 height:112
GroupBox grpstep3 "Step 3: Assign Modifiers" pos:[8,208] width:144 height:128
GroupBox grpstep4 "Step 4: Set Export Body" pos:[7,352] width:144 height:112
GroupBox grpstep5 "Step 5: Export a .NIF" pos:[7,480] width:144 height:64
label lblsmm "ww.somuchmonsters.com" pos:[20,560] width:132 height:16
radiobuttons rdoselectsource "Body Type" pos:[16,104] width:91 height:78 labels:#("Light Male", "Heavy Male", "LightFemale", "Heavy Female")

radiobuttons rdoselecttarget "Body Type" pos:[16,376] width:91 height:78 labels:#("Light Male", "Heavy Male", "LightFemale", "Heavy Female")
button btnexport "Export!" pos:[15,504] width:128 height:24 enabled:true

label lblstep3repeat "(repeat for each mesh)" pos:[24,312] width:120 height:16
label lbl16 "Drag Select All Faces!" pos:[28,288] width:112 height:16

on btnmergesmm pressed do
	mergeMAXFile "c:\SoMuchMorpher\SoMuchMorpher.max"
on btnpickarmor picked obj do
if obj != undefined do
obj.wirecolor = green
btnpickarmor.text = obj.name
on btngo pressed do
	addMesh = #($MorphMesh);
	select btnpickarmor.object
	modPanel.addModToSelection (Skin_Wrap ()) ui:on
	$.modifiers[#Skin_Wrap].meshList = addmesh;
	$.modifiers[#Skin_Wrap].engine = 1
	$.modifiers[#Skin_Wrap].Blend = on
	$.modifiers[#Skin_Wrap].blendDistance = 10
	$.modifiers[#Skin_Wrap].faceLimit = 10
	$.modifiers[#Skin_Wrap].weightAllVerts = on		
	modPanel.addModToSelection (Edit_Poly ()) ui:on
	modPanel.setCurrentObject $.modifiers[#Skin_Wrap]
	$.modifiers[#Skin_Wrap].meshDeformOps.convertToSkin off

	modPanel.addModToSelection (BSDismemberSkin_Modifier ()) ui:on

on rdoselectsource changed state do
        case state of
            1: (	WM3_MC_SetValue  $MorphMesh.modifiers[#morpher] 1 00.00
					WM3_MC_SetValue  $MorphMesh.modifiers[#morpher] 2 00.00
					WM3_MC_SetValue  $MorphMesh.modifiers[#morpher] 3 100.00
            2: (	WM3_MC_SetValue  $MorphMesh.modifiers[#morpher] 1 00.00
					WM3_MC_SetValue  $MorphMesh.modifiers[#morpher] 2 00.00
					WM3_MC_SetValue  $MorphMesh.modifiers[#morpher] 3 00.00

            3: (	WM3_MC_SetValue  $MorphMesh.modifiers[#morpher] 1 00.00
					WM3_MC_SetValue  $MorphMesh.modifiers[#morpher] 2 100.00
					WM3_MC_SetValue  $MorphMesh.modifiers[#morpher] 3 00.00

            4:(	WM3_MC_SetValue  $MorphMesh.modifiers[#morpher] 1 100.00
					WM3_MC_SetValue  $MorphMesh.modifiers[#morpher] 2 00.00
					WM3_MC_SetValue  $MorphMesh.modifiers[#morpher] 3 00.00

on rdoselecttarget changed state do
        case state of
            1: (	WM3_MC_SetValue  $MorphMesh.modifiers[#morpher] 1 00.00
					WM3_MC_SetValue  $MorphMesh.modifiers[#morpher] 2 00.00
					WM3_MC_SetValue  $MorphMesh.modifiers[#morpher] 3 100.00
            2: (	WM3_MC_SetValue  $MorphMesh.modifiers[#morpher] 1 00.00
					WM3_MC_SetValue  $MorphMesh.modifiers[#morpher] 2 00.00
					WM3_MC_SetValue  $MorphMesh.modifiers[#morpher] 3 00.00

            3: (	WM3_MC_SetValue  $MorphMesh.modifiers[#morpher] 1 00.00
					WM3_MC_SetValue  $MorphMesh.modifiers[#morpher] 2 100.00
					WM3_MC_SetValue  $MorphMesh.modifiers[#morpher] 3 00.00

            4:(	WM3_MC_SetValue  $MorphMesh.modifiers[#morpher] 1 100.00
					WM3_MC_SetValue  $MorphMesh.modifiers[#morpher] 2 00.00
					WM3_MC_SetValue  $MorphMesh.modifiers[#morpher] 3 00.00

on btnexport pressed do
max select all
max file export
createdialog SoMuchMorpher 


Im assuming its not detecting one of the somuchmorpher files, but i went back and they are installed in the right places. Im using Max 2012.




also awesome vid, very helpful!!

Edited by Davis237834
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