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Starlight Drive In navmesh/collision bug?


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NPCs get stuck inside the screen, on the stairs...there seems to be a glitch in the navmesh or something.
They walk to the exit door, but don't seem to be able to get out of the building.

Also, the floor collision in the two rooms attached to the screen appears to be messed up.

Anyone else having this problem?

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After more than 5000hrs in the game, I must say that the A.I./NPC behaviour is most erratic all through the game, with folks constantly trying to walk through walls, missing doorways entirely, getting stuck halfway up (or down) the stairs and whatnot...


The game is set up to make NPCs walk from point A to point B in a straight line and as such, when there's no door or stairs near to the point they're going to, they get stuck and stand still nearest to the point they want to get to. Lately, I've seen settlers ascend to a higher floor like they were in an invisible elevator to get where they aimed at...

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