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RPG Personality Quiz


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Lawl... I need order or else my A.D.D eats my soul...





Fear me and my pack of Corgi!


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I already did both of those and put them on my sig several months ago before it was cool. (unleash inner hipster)


I ended up with Tactician and Blue. Anyone who has played a real time strategy game or chess against me can tell you about the tactician part. I am very quick about coming up with plans on the fly or thinking several turns ahead of someone. The blue part also rings true. I was always very good at talking my way out of trouble or getting what I wanted as a child and even today with honeyed words and manipulating the truth so people heard what they want. I am not a dick if I can help it but I have little qualms about screwing someone over for the greater good or my own agenda if I absolutely need to. I will feel bad about it but rationalize the reasoning either to others or myself if need be. I also am a logical person, I value and enjoy math, science, history, and philosophy over art, literature, emotions, and faith.


What does this have to do with Skyrim? Well whatever character I play if I cannot talk or intimidate my way to what I want I also have at least a dozen potions, poisons, or scrolls to stack the odds in my favor. The way I look at it there is no such thing as cheating. Only winning and losing and the guys that fight fair and honest tend to end up dead. Not surprisingly I tend to side the most with the Thieves Guild, Imperial Legion, and Blades. I am all for saving the world for the sake of the puppies, children, and poor little old ladies but if I need to stab and cheat some people to do it I will.


Usually these personality quizzes are way out of the ballpark like "You are a tree hugging holy man!" but for once it's spot on.

Edited by NAPALM13092
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"Been wondering where people got that and just found it by clicking on the class that they have in the Sig.

Paladin, archer, warrior etc. :)"


I found out my class:





and as a Magician, also this one:



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Nice ones. :thumbsup: You can see my personality in my signature already. :laugh: And my color is green.


Edit: I tried the personality quiz four times. Two of them were alcoholic. The other two were trapper and a rogue. I stuck with alcoholic one cause it's my very first result. :biggrin:

Edited by Naktis
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Nice ones. :thumbsup: You can see my personality in my signature already. :laugh: And my color is green.


Edit: I tried the personality quiz four times. Two of them were alcoholic. The other two were trapper and a rogue. I stuck with alcoholic one cause it's my very first result. :biggrin:


You earned my respect friend :D

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