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Nifskope - Changing Static to a Havoc


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I know this section is for the CK, but I figure it is the best place to find someone who probably also knows their way around Nifskope?


My experience with Nifskope is extremely limited so please bear with me! I am currently trying to change some custom static meshes to act as a havoc - I want to use them on food items so they need to act like other playable objects if dropped from the inventory.

So far I have managed to get the item I'm currently working on to drop to the floor normally, but it remains in a rigid position & doesn't bounce or roll a little when it hits, which frankly looks dumb - even if I keep the mod for my own use & don't release it it would bug me!

I have followed tips from other threads I have found on the subject, most of which have not worked for me, but these are the steps I have found that do seem to have gotten me this far:

* Open bhkRigidBody

* Change Layer OblivionLayer from OL_HAVOC to OL_CLUTTER

* Set Collision HKResponseType to Response_Simple_Contact

* Change LayerCopy OblivionLayer from OL_HAVOC to OL_CLUTTER

* Set MotionSystem to MO_SYS_SPHERE

* Set DeactivatorType to DEACTIVATOR_NEVER

* Set SolverDeactivation to SOVER_DEACTIVATION_LOW

* Set Quality Type MotionQuality to MO_QUAL_MOVING


I have opened some other custom & Bethesda havoc meshes to have a look, & am fairly certain that I need to make adjustments to the numbers in Translation Vector4, Center Vector4 & Mass (currently the Vector4s are all 0.0000 & mass is 0.0001), but when I try to do this the item just remains in its rigid position & slides across the floor, partially sinking into it & moving through any other object - probably into infinity ... The same thing happens if I try to use any MotionSystem other than sphere.


I would be extremely grateful to anyone who has the time to help me with this!!!

Edited by ElioraArin
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The best way to do this would probably be to use a vanilla ground object, say from an armor or a similar food item, and then copy over the necessary data. There is a thread on another site that has some detailed instructions on how to do this, the name of the thread is "Question: How do i add custom models to Skyrim?".

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