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Everything posted by IronDusk33

  1. I'm having difficulty making an AOE scripted spell. It's for a mod I'm currently updating, and it's supposed to simply knock back and strip everyone near the player. The problem is that the script is incredibly sporadic. Who the script affects, if anyone, is completely random. Here's the script I have so far: Scriptname _R_EffectDivineBlessing_Dibella3 extends ActiveMagicEffect Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) akCaster.PushActorAway(akTarget, 10) akTarget.UnequipAll() endEvent
  2. From reading the FAQ, it seems that this is more of a freelance developer network, than a group of modders uploading their individual work: So potential creators don't just upload their work, they first submit an idea for a project, and if it is accepted, everyone pitches in.
  3. I'm going to leave this here. Read through the FAQ, it settled my suspicions and fears. https://creationclub.bethesda.net/?utm_campaign=E32017_Social&utm_medium=bitly&utm_source=YouTube
  4. http://i.imgur.com/3NuAPlX.jpg Here is a screenshot. It would make sense that it's ground Lod if it was just the terrain, but since it's also the building I didn't think it was a Lod issue.
  5. I've been trying to figure out how to make a new open world area. I've figured out how to create the world, landscape editing, etc, but I'm experiencing some graphical issues in game. Basically, it seems that I have a restricted view radius in this world, so that after a short walk away, terrain, objects, and buildings start disappearing. I want to be clear that this is NOT a Lod problem, the objects don't 'pop' in and out, but rather parts of it start blending in with the sky, so that half of the building is visible, and half isn't, with a very clear border where the building starts appearing/disappearing.
  6. I'm working on a mod that adds new generic NPCs to towns and cities. The way I go about this is I have several Markers in cities, that detect when the player has entered or exited the area. When the player leaves the area, a new person is placed using PlaceAtMe. When the player enters the area, and a sufficient amount of time has passed, the person is marked for deletion. Here's the source code: GlobalVariable Property MinLiving Auto GlobalVariable Property MaxLiving Auto GlobalVariable Property RespawnWait Auto GlobalVariable Property GameDaysPassed Auto ObjectReference Property PlaceMarker Auto LeveledActor Property ToPlace Auto string Property MarkerName Auto float LastUpdate = -100.0 Actor Person = None Event OnCellDetach() Debug.Trace("People: " + MarkerName + " Detached from Cell") if((!Person || Person.IsDead() || Person.IsDeleted()) && (GameDaysPassed.GetValue() - LastUpdate) > RespawnWait.GetValue()) Debug.Trace("People: " + MarkerName + " Placing New Person") Person = PlaceMarker.PlaceAtMe(ToPlace) as Actor LastUpdate = GameDaysPassed.GetValue() Debug.Trace("People: " + MarkerName + " New Person Placed: " + Person.GetFormID()) endIf endEvent Event OnCellAttach() Debug.Trace("People: " + MarkerName + " Attached to Cell") float RandLiving = Utility.RandomFloat(MinLiving.GetValue(), MaxLiving.GetValue()) if(Person && (GameDaysPassed.GetValue() - LastUpdate) > RandLiving) Debug.Trace("People: " + MarkerName + " Deleting Person: " + Person.GetFormID()) Person.DeleteWhenAble() Debug.Trace("People: " + MarkerName + " Person Deleted") Person = None endIf endEvent My question is, how safe is this? Would this constant deletion potentially cause save-game bloat? Or if one of the radiant npcs was used in an alias, then deleted, would that cause issues?
  7. My mod Emote does this, and allows you to play a lot of other animations. Feel free to look at the source code, or just download it and use it as is.
  8. Here's a poll to figure out which spell mods I should focus on when I get enough time to start importing them. Here are the links to all of the mods: Black Magic Blood Magic Spell Pack Bound Armory Extravaganza - the MCM version Caranthir Tower Reborn Chemistry - An Alchemy Overhaul Colorful Magic Daedric Entity Restoration Project Dawnguard Arsenal Druid Essentials Earth Prison Elemental Destruction Magic Epic Restoration Forgotten Magic Redone Lore Friendly Spells Lost Magic Midas Magic Evolved Midas Magic Spells for Skyrim FIXED Mighty Magick Skyrim Mysticism - The Lost Art Phenderix Magic World DLC Phenderix Magic Evolved (ver 8.0) Shadow Spell Package Spells of the Third Era Summon Ice Wall SU'MMER T3nd0's Perkus Maximus Tentapalooza for Campfire Useful Alteration Witchhunter Spells and Prayers Pack
  9. You should probably use RegisterForUpdateGameTime and OnUpdateGameTime. Just read up on them on the wiki.
  10. I'm trying my hand at making a player home, and part of it involves the Dwemer Box found in Septimus Signus's outpost. I managed to get it to play the opening animation via PlayAnimation("trigger01"), however I can't get it close. It doesn't seem to have a closing animation, so I've tried using Reset(), and Disable()/Enable(), but neither of those work. So, does anyone know of how I can reset it's animation state, and effectively close it?
  11. The best way to do this would probably be to use a vanilla ground object, say from an armor or a similar food item, and then copy over the necessary data. There is a thread on another site that has some detailed instructions on how to do this, the name of the thread is "Question: How do i add custom models to Skyrim?".
  12. Right, well this is why I asked before releasing that mod.
  13. So, I've made a private mod that I haven't released yet that utilizes some edited assets from Wearable Bards Lute and Retex, by Dragonis0. However, Dragonis0 has been banned since 2012, so I can't contact him to get his permission to use assets. So I'm wondering how, or if, I can properly get permission to use his assets. Now that he's banned are his assets public domain? Or can no one use them at all unless someone manages to contact him? Or do I need to change my mod so that it requires his mod to be downloaded and installed?
  14. Ah, I actually figured out my solution before you posted that, and then forgot to upload my solution until today. I will take a look at your solution.
  15. I'm trying to force a negative reaction to the player, using the "Get away from me" dialogue used when you stop sneaking, that also blocks dialogue unless they are a vendor or a follower. From what I can gather this requires a blocking dialogue branch in a running quest. I have the running quest, but I've never messed with dialogue before, so I need some help getting this together.
  16. I was actually looking for something completely different; more like have almost everyone unable to detect the player, with the player still visible. I was actually able to achieve this by having a cloak on the player that gives everyone in the vicinity a "Blindness" magic effect, the same effect used to make falmer blind.
  17. Does anyone know if the invisibility source code is available with the creation kit, and what the file is called? Or does anyone know to recreate the invisibility spell without the actual invisibility effect, and without it being dispelled on activation?
  18. I know from experience that OnControlDown only works if that control is enabled. For example, if the "Activate" control is disabled then using OnControlDown won't work. So you should use only keys for this if you are disabling controls. If you disable movement controls you shouldn't be able to jump.
  19. Thanks for the tips IronDusk33, that sounds better! I try to test it today. as SendAnimationEvent can supposedly cause issues = what kind of issues can we have with that? Thanks again. Well SendAnimationEvent bypasses all checks, which could interfere with other mods that use animations. Also on the Creation Kit wiki the SendAnimationEvent page lists these notes: This bypasses the check on ObjectReference that prevents sending events to actors. If you use it to send an event to actors, you will most likely mess up the actor permanently as the internal actor data may no longer match their animation state.Animation Event's will actually cause the actor to perform the action associated with it. For example, sending the animation event "AttackStart" will cause the reference to perform an attack. Anything in front of it will get hurt. This example is true for all animation event's. For example, sending the "DeathAnim" will actually kill the actor.In general I simply prefer to not use it if I can avoid it, but then I'm probably paranoid. Then again being paranoid with a modded Skyrim is usually the best way to not break your game.
  20. I think the standard to use is Debug.SendAnimationEvent(PlayerRef,"IdleForceDefaultState") to stop animations. However, I believe you can and should use PlayerRef.PlayIdle(IdleWarmHands) instead of SendAnimationEvent for warming your hands, as SendAnimationEvent can supposedly cause issues. If you go through with that you can use PlayerRef.PlayIdle(IdleStop_Loose) to stop the animation. Note that IdleWarmHands and IdleStop_Loose are properties you need to fill with your script.
  21. That apparently allows race compatibility to allow custom races to become Vampires and Werewolves, but it doesn't make npcs react to the custom race as if it was a vanilla race.
  22. I'm experimenting with a mod that allows the player to control other NPCs, primarily for use with followers. However, I'm struggling to find a way so that I can activate things while the player is controlling a NPC. If anyone can give me some advice on how to go about this, it would be appreciated. Here is the code I have so far. It is attached to a fire and forget - target actor spell. Scriptname _P_PuppetScript extends activemagiceffect Idle Property IdleStop_Loose Auto FormList Property ActivateList Auto int Property ReadyKey Auto int Property ActivateKey Auto Actor Target Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) Actor Player = Game.GetPlayer() if(Player == Game.GetPlayer()) Target = akTarget RegisterForKey(ReadyKey) RegisterForKey(ActivateKey) Game.ForceThirdPerson() ;Game.DisablePlayerControls(false, true, true, false, false, true, true, false) Game.SetCameraTarget(akTarget) akTarget.SetPlayerControls(true) Player.SetPlayerControls(false) akTarget.EnableAI() akTarget.PlayIdle(IdleStop_Loose) endIf endEvent Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) Actor Player = Game.GetPlayer() akTarget.SetPlayerControls(false) Player.SetPlayerControls(true) akTarget.EnableAI() Game.SetCameraTarget(Player) ;Game.EnablePlayerControls() endEvent Event OnKeyDown(Int KeyCode) if(KeyCode == ReadyKey) Dispel() elseif(KeyCode == ActivateKey) ObjectReference Nearest = Game.FindClosestReferenceOfAnyTypeInListFromRef(ActivateList, Target, 15) Nearest.Activate(Game.GetPlayer()) endIf EndEvent
  23. In terms of automation, I think SkyProc might be able to handle moving references, but it would be a hell of a program to write. If the first method can be confirmed to work, a SkyProc patcher could move all the required cells around.
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