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Changing size of mesh in nifscope?


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I have a piece of armor (the underwear from the base character model) and I want it to fit on top of the astridbody. Is there any way to adjust the size of just that mesh in nifscope? I was thinking the radius setting should be able to do that but it seems I cant really adjust that(when I press update radius it resets it to the previous value).
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PERHAPS (but not really very useful because it will scale from the mesh center.. which is actually wrong for what you want it to do...)


but you might be able to scale skinned meshes without fubaring it. I never tried it myself but in theory this might work...


select the object you want to scale. Unhook the BSDismemberSkinInstance from it. rclick the NiTriShape>transform>edit. Make transform. rclick>transform>apply. Hook BSDismemberSkinInstance back up. It may not work. But it certainly won;'t work if you don't unhook the BSDismemberSkinInstance before doing any transforming.

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