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Skyrim - Mod Detectives Thread


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I took a long break from Skyrim to let the mods evolve. Now, I am having trouble finding a large compilation of Armors. I don't want to have to download 60 Armors one by one... I don't think anyone does. So, can anyone point me to the right place? Thanks. Edited by OnlyOneWing
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I've searched around a bit and haven't found what I'm looking for.


What I need is a mod that will allow me to play Skyrim on lower-end machines. What I was thinking, is something that expands the game's settings, allowing me to turn off certain effects or what not that would normally be forced "on."


I don't know if such a mod exists but it would be really helpful. As-is, skyrim is playable on its lowest settings on one of my machines however, there is still some undesired lag which makes gameplay difficult, especially when in combat.



Thanks! :)


There's a lot of tweaks you can do to the Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini files, BUT - the stupid game will overwrite them the next time you start it. So you need to set those two files to Read-Only after each tweak.


There's plenty of guides via Google, but there's also this online ini-maker - http://donotargue.com/cfg-makers/skyrim/. There will be research involved to find out what exactly you want to turn down though. I would recommend first starting Skyrim and turning everything as low as possible, then saving those ini files to work with from there.


Good luck!

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I'm looking for a mod that fixes the female skeleton so that my female character doesn't look like they just got side kicked by a giant in the left arm lol. Be much appreciated Thanks :thumbsup:.


The skeleton of female models by Ning99 would be the mod you are looking for. There's quite a few options there, so go nuts man.


I'm looking for a mod that will keep companion Lydia from dying. I know she's not the best companion, but she is cute with the 'Decent Women' mod, and I'd like to keep her around without constantly using cheats...


Lydia Plus by hdela would be the kind of mod you're looking for if you just want to affect Lydia, but UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul by fLokii let's you tweak all your followers however you wish, and allows you up to 15 follwers at the same time. I'd suggest going with that one.


So has anyone had any luck with that female magic casting animation mod I asked about earlier?

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I need help. I'm looking for a mod which lets us change the appearance of our avatar at any point of the game without breaking any skills.

For example at the start of the game you can go to the Kajit race, customize it then switch race to Breton. Can then go back to the Kajit race and the appearance would be saved! Anything like that?


Also any mods which help with filming for videos would be great. Far as I've seen there isn't much at all..

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I need help. I'm looking for a mod which lets us change the appearance of our avatar at any point of the game without breaking any skills.

For example at the start of the game you can go to the Kajit race, customize it then switch race to Breton. Can then go back to the Kajit race and the appearance would be saved! Anything like that?


You don't need a mod. Just toggle godmode (tgm) in the console, then showracemenu. Make your changes, then turn off godmode. No skill screw-up. You're welcome. :)

Edited by Voraxith
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I'm looking for a mod that makes you a lot less likely to accidentally steal or pickpocket, like say, requires you to press an additional key in order to steal/pickpocket.


It uses the same interact key as all the other important interactions, and so I'm deathly afraid of both my finger over the key as well as the position of my crosshair when I'm exploring a town/house, or when I want to sit down and talk to someone without stealing all the goblets on the table. I have no intention of being stealing stuff I shouldn't and it's very frustrating to keep worrying about this, causes most houses are LITTERED with little red words.


Thanks in advance guys.

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Does anyone know where to get this animation stand for holding the sword as well as the ears?



Edited by Niomi
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