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Skyrim - Mod Detectives Thread


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Does anyone know of a mod that adds one armed armor to the game?


Something that would function like 'automail', giving the PC the appearance of having an arm removed, but replaced with either a mechanical dwemer arm, or strange enchanted armor arm?

This mod has a couple armored arm pieces that might fit the bill but they are for females only.


Not what I'm looking for at all. I'm looking for more like a mechanical prosthetic arm, not arm bands... and it's UNP, I have CBBE.



Does anyone know of a mod that adds one armed armor to the game?


Something that would function like 'automail', giving the PC the appearance of having an arm removed, but replaced with either a mechanical dwemer arm, or strange enchanted armor arm?

http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11784 got a mechanical arm thingie =)

Very close to what I'm looking for, but it's male only, the character I am wanting this for is female. Plus, I want to be able to wear other torso armors with it, but that may be expecting to much.


I'm looking for something like this (The arm, not the leg)





Though, not a visual match, but something that works in the same way, hooking into the shoulder socket, without being bigger then a normal arm. (So armor can equip over it)


I think I may have to break down and make this myself...


EDIT: Holy s***, i think I may have found it. It's UNP, but maybe I'll get lucky.



EDIT2: I think we have as good a match as I can get. It's a little glitchy and clips, but it's waay better then nothing.

Image 1 - Skyrim Character

Image 2- My Comic Book Character (All rights reserved, do not redistribute, yadayadayada)







Edited by ArtMurder
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Not what I'm looking for at all. I'm looking for more like a mechanical prosthetic arm, not arm bands... and it's UNP, I have CBBE.
FYI -- that mod DOES include some armored arm pieces. There are several options most likley adapted with permission from the other mod you found. Not every piece is displayed in pictures, you would have had to have installed and gone thru the pieces yourself.


At least you have something...

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Anyone know of any good "perk"mod...that changes the default perk trees to others more interesting.Also...a good performence wise ENB would be nice and maybe an archery overhaul if there is any out there.

I use ACE because I didn't feel like trying to get multiple perk-changing mods to work. It feels mostly like a balance mod though, if you're looking for radical changes you may prefer something else. It's got archery improvements too.

- "Athyra's Comprehensive Enhancements" ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10037 )


If someone wants to recommend other perk mods I'd like to know too.

Edited by Trucidation
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I use ACE because I didn't feel like trying to get multiple perk-changing mods to work. It feels mostly like a balance mod though, if you're looking for radical changes you may prefer something else. It's got archery improvements too.

- "Athyra's Comprehensive Enhancements" ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10037 )


If someone wants to recommend other perk mods I'd like to know too.

Skyre might work...Skyrim Redone...altough if you wish to unninstall that one...you are in trouble.

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Hey, is there a mod that allows you to have two different versions of Skyrim? For example, I want to keep playing my character but I also want to try out the Skyrim Redone mod which does not work on existing characters. Or for people who use the same computer but have different mod tastes.


Help is very much appreciated :wink:

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Ive been using ASIS for a while but now I am looking for a change, is there anything that increases spawns / makes combat ai more difficult / makes enemies smarter and use more perks ?

The most important thing is to make the game harder, But I usually only play characters up to level 30 so all the mods focusing on high level/endgame are not suited for me



For difficulty, I combine Challenging AI - Aggressive Combat Styles and Combat Damage Multiplier at 3x for everyone. Challenging AI cranks up the AI on the lower levels to be much more like high level NPCs, and Combat Damage Multiplier equalizes, then raises, everyone's damage done. (Normal settings are to multiply your damage with respect to the NPCs, then reverse the ratio as you raise the difficulty, with Adept being 1-1. CDM starts at 1-1 and raises to 2-2, 3-3, etc.)


For real challenge, turn health regen off and try Hardcore and Balanced Mode (HBM) for the Regenerating Potions options. Potions will then only heal (or restore magicka or stamina) over time, AND only the highest one has effect at any one time. So no insta-pause, chug 10 potions, and resume playing anymore, it's live or die by your skills in every fight.


Hope this helps!

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Skyre might work...Skyrim Redone...altough if you wish to unninstall that one...you are in trouble.

That's my beef with SkyRe... it changes so many things - not all I agree with - and judging from the sheer number of complaints I've come across in various mods, is pretty well known to cause incompatibility issues.

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